will damsel get along with mean clown?


sinner's girl

I have to clowns (not a pair) in the 55gl tank. Sinner told me he would like a damsel for his b-day (we've had them before and like them). I thought the clowns and damsel were too close together and wouldn't get along. he seems to think they would.
Would a damsels get along with two other clowns? (as some of you may know the older, bigger clown has been known to kill...but currently has not killed the smaller clown)
Is it likly the clown will kill the damsel?
I'd like the 6-line, but since that's the fish I want, i can't him that as a gift.


I don't think that it would be a problem to add the damsel. The damsels can be aggresive. If anything you may have to keep an eye on the damsel.


I had two domino damsel and a clarkii clown in the same tank all added at different times when i finally wanted to add more fish i had to give all of them away dominos grew to be (1) 4" (1) 3" and the clarkii was about 3" they all got along very well but that was the end of adding anything else to the tank. Clown was there first. All were about the size no bigger than a quarter when I got them.

sinner's girl

one clown is mean the other is very laid back. does the damsel have to be smaller then both clowns or just smaller then the mean one? the small clown is still pretty small, i'm not sure if I could find a damsel smaller, but it's been awhile since I've looked at damsels so i might be able to.
Thanks for the info!


If the other clown is THAT small -- I'm wondering if adding a damsel would be fair to it. Then the poor guy might have two bullies to deal with.
Otherwise.. i have two clowns... but they have never bothered anyone. The yellow-tails I seemed to know better than to bug 'em - the damsels preferred to bully the shrimp... the gramma... and me. (When I had my arm in the tank for cleaning, one would dive bomb me.


I have been looking for a fire damsel for the longest time ordered one online I got a pinkish yellowish fish with a black dot at the top no blue and died 2 days after I got it really wanted to get the real deal have not had any luck - any suggestions anyone?