Will Emerald Crabs Eat Snails?


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Will Emerald Crabs Eat Snails? I won't purchase anymore hermits when they die. I have too many snail shells that once were snails


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no. i've had many emeralds and many snails, and never did they do anything to the snails.
they never went after anything but their own kind. i don't know if they were trying to mate, or kill each other...i never found any dead ones so i imagine it was a "show of affection"


I have seen a emerald try to eat a snail giveup and then go over and pull a red leg hermit out of his shell an eat it...
I think if he would have got the snail over it would have been dinner...


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From what I've read, they will eat them, at times, but it is not that common. Of course there are always exceptions. Mine gets mad at my fish and tries to clip their tails.


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I have an emerald and some snails... it the snails stay upright the crab can't do anythign and has no interest, but if the snail falls and is on its shell and can't get back up, they i have seen an emerald go after and eat it


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my turbos cant right themselves.... kinda stinks if i dont notice them on there backs, or when I do the crab is already pickign them apart


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but atleast astreas don't knock my lps frags into one another. i've lost more frags that way. no more turbos for me!