Will Green Hair Algae kill my corals?


I've got green hair algae that's starting to take my tank over. It's starting to cover my corals. WIll this kill my coral? What do I do? My water readings are okay, I feed every other day. What do i do? Do I try to move my corals?


Get it off, even if you have to pull it off....I had some on a green start polyp, and trued to let nature get rid of it...BIG MISTAKE...It killed my GSP :(...
turn your lights on for less time, and feed less....also check your water parameters, top off water, etc.


Active Member
hair algae SUCKS!!!!!!
my tank has been taken over by hair algae. it SUCKS SUCKS SUCKS!!!!!!!! ive been battling for over a year now and it SUCKS!!!!! get it off your coral. it has killed my bubble coral, and half of my frog spawn.
it might be from your lights. if your light bulbs are over 6 moths old i would buy new ones. cause when lights get old they get a yellow color to them that the hair algae likes, and starts to grow uncontrollably. remove it anyway possible. your up for a real battle.
good luck


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by meowzer
Get it off, even if you have to pull it off....I had some on a green start polyp, and trued to let nature get rid of it...BIG MISTAKE...It killed my GSP :(...
turn your lights on for less time, and feed less....also check your water parameters, top off water, etc.
++1 to all of the above!
It will indeed cover over and kill coral!
Also check your phosphates...Here is what I did to rid my tank of it.
I removed my rocks and scrubbed them in saltwater so as not to kill the rock. I purchased algae eaters..my tank is 90g...a kole Tang, a lawnmower blenny and emerald crabs..
after cleaning off my rocks as best I could...I had corals attached to some of it and couldn't scrub it...this gave my algae eates a head start...they were able to control the algae I could't reach to clear...to date everything is under control.
I know the HA is still there, see it growing on the power heads and flow bar...it lasts about 2 days before it is gone...some critter ate it..YEAH!!!