Will he stop!


Well…it looks like I am going to spending the better part of the day making a goby safe tank, because my son thinks he’s sooo cool.

Thanks for the input and sharing in my pain everyone.


New Member
I have about a 6" eng. gobie in my tank and he doesn't move any sand around. But as shy as they are it will be HHHHHHAAAAAARRRRRRRd to get him out of the tank without pulling your rock out.
(Sorry but I couldn't pass up the chance at a bad joke there)


Active Member
dont let the rocks fall, they might break the glass... i have a damsel that does that, i just stopped fighting it and he finally seems to be content and has stopped moving the sand...

sign guy

Active Member
Originally Posted by Rykna
If you get the wave 2K you'll never have to clean you coral off again!!!! Best wave maker ever!!
I second that


I like the pirate ship. I thought of one for my aquarium, but thought it would just geyt Algae all over it. I'm a big fan of ships though. even have a decent size tattoo of a pirate ship.


Thanks for all the input and good-natured jabs.
He did collapse the rock within 24 hrs.
I used one of your suggestions and used plastic pipe and have now supported (I hope) the rock on top of them. We will see how this works.
The Pirate ship? Well it’s a long story, but I am a BIG fan of old wooden ships of years past as well as the men (and women) that sailed them. This venture into salt water is just a continuation of my fascination of the sea and its life.


A quick update.
I used 4” pvc pipe cut 2” thick (i.e. sand thickness), and placed it under the base rocks. This worked very well, it keeps the rock on top the sand and allows the goby to dig all he wants and the rocks stay in place.
Thanks For all the input!


Active Member
Originally Posted by newtankman
Thanks for all the input and good-natured jabs.
He did collapse the rock within 24 hrs.
I used one of your suggestions and used plastic pipe and have now supported (I hope) the rock on top of them. We will see how this works.
The Pirate ship? Well it’s a long story, but I am a BIG fan of old wooden ships of years past as well as the men (and women) that sailed them. This venture into salt water is just a continuation of my fascination of the sea and its life.

Me too!!!!! I love the old sailing ships and pirates!! You should check out pet smart for this! Orginally I had it in my snowflake eel tank. Little guy loved it!!


Active Member
Thanks! The snowflake eel loved it. He did a complete inspeciton of the vessel when I first put it in. It would curl up on the deck for a nap and chew on the cannons, out of curiousity I guess. :thinking: I wounder if my seahorse would like one....lots of good hitching posts!


Active Member
While we are on the subject of these excavators:
1) Is it ok to push the sand back into the hole, or level it back out? I know its not too good to stir up the botom, thats why I'm asking.
2) Does anyone else seem to have a problem feeding them without overfeeding the tank?
elaboration on question #2...It seems because this engineer hides all the time, the only way to make sure it is feeding is to overfeed the tank so food floats to the bottom for him to snatch. He is scared of his own shadow, I have to basically open his mouth and hand feed him. (not really, that would be easier if possible)


I was having a similar issue with a goby. We were trying to decide if we should trade him back in to the lfs or not but he was impossible to catch unless we removed all of our live rock. Our decision was made easier when the panther grouper, that our lfs told us would only try to eat very small fish, was found with the goby sticking half way out of his mouth. The goby was literally 3 inches longer then the panther and he still tried to eat it.
So after that our goby dilemna was solved for us and the panther made a return trip to the lfs.


I have been trying to feed him Mysis using a turkey baster and projecting it towards its hole, slooooowly. Seems to work so far without over feeding the tank.


I have been pushing the sand back into one of his holes

He spends his time digging it back out, it keeps him in one part of the tank. someone else gave me the idea.


I have a damsel that moves sand like your picture. Thankfully, my rock is very secure on the bottom glass. I don't like finding a 8 inch tower of sand filling the corner or all my rocks covered with a dusting of sand so I usually move the sand back every week or two. If I don't, he just starts his destruction in a new part of the tank. :mad:


ahahahahahahaha! thats great man my uncle has one and he was so angry at it he put it in a bag and gave it back to the lfs! :hilarious