will i be ok???


i amabout to set up a 23 gallon saltwater tank. im thinking about getting 23lbs of LR and about a 1 inch sand bed, a protein skimmer, and i already have 2 power filters that will run a 40 gallon tank. if i put all this together will it work? if not what should i do or get. and im on a budget.


Active Member
Get 30lbs of rock.
which powerfilters are you talking about?
what are the dimensions of the tank? reef or fish only?


its jut 2 power filters i got from my old freshwater tank. i have no use for them so i was gonna see if i could use them for something. the dementions are 24 inch long, 20 inch high, and a depth of 10 inch.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefr23
its jut 2 power filters i got from my old freshwater tank. i have no use for them so i was gonna see if i could use them for something. the dementions are 24 inch long, 20 inch high, and a depth of 10 inch.
Ok... here's what I'd do in your situation.
in one power filter, run a bag of carbon and a bag of purigen and nothing else... in the other, run a bag of rowaphos and nothing else.
Then get an aquaclear surface skimmer and see if you can get that to hook up to the intake of the carbon power filter.
I would also add two koralia nanos.. one on each side of the tank pointing towards the center.
you could probably go skimmerless depending on the stocking list and your attention to water changes.
For the light.. get you a current USA T5HO... the saltwater version.


but if i can i wanna do something less complicated. i cant just get a good skimmer and im getting live rock according to the rule of thumb. and ill just have those regular filters there just to keep the water cleaner, and the live rock can take care of the bio filtration. im new to this and its my first tank and i just wanna do something simple as possible in this 23 gallon tank. if i cant do that, what is the simplest way u have in mind?


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefr23
but if i can i wanna do something less complicated. i cant just get a good skimmer and im getting live rock according to the rule of thumb. and ill just have those regular filters there just to keep the water cleaner, and the live rock can take care of the bio filtration. im new to this and its my first tank and i just wanna do something simple as possible in this 23 gallon tank. if i cant do that, what is the simplest way u have in mind?
What I told you was the least complicated way... you need some flow man.
you will need to address exporting nitrates too i.e. turf scrubber or chaeto refugium possiby in one of the power filters..
I dunno what your powerfilters look like but you may be able to do all the media bags in one and then a refugium in the other with a cheap light above it.
I'm trying to help you out.


i kno u r, and i reallly appreciate it. its just that im new and i dont know what any of this means. i reserched it all but i get about 10 different answers on it. i need to break it down and be specific about it. i really want this tank and i just need to kno specificly what to do and what all this means.
sorry im being suck a bother but i just wanna kno.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefr23
i kno u r, and i reallly appreciate it. its just that im new and i dont know what any of this means. i reserched it all but i get about 10 different answers on it. i need to break it down and be specific about it. i really want this tank and i just need to kno specificly what to do and what all this means.
sorry im being suck a bother but i just wanna kno.

I've already made all the mistakes.. I know you're on a budget so I'm trying to help you take the least risks...
do you want me to just lie to you like a fish store?


no. but can u do me a huge favor and break all the steps down for me? like what to do with my filters and stuff?


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefr23
no. but can u do me a huge favor and break all the steps down for me? like what to do with my filters and stuff?

I did, but I'll do it again.
You have the following.. a 23gallon tank and 2 power filters..
You need the following:
1 bag of rowaphos (to absorb inorganic phosphates which will contribute to nuisance algae growth), 1 bag of purgien and 1 bag of chemipure carbon (these both keep the water clean and help remove certain harmful organics)
put these three bags in one power filter as the only media.
Run a surface skimmer attachment to the intake on this power filter.
on the other powerfilter.. put some plastic screen in there to keep chaeto macroalgae in place to export inorganic nitrates and phosphates which are components of nuisance algae) pop the top off the filter and put a 14w or so compact fluorescent bulb in a marina brand or desklamp fixture over the chaeto to grow it. Run this light on a reverse light schedule from the light that lights up the display tank.
get two Hydor koralia nano powerheads to increase flow... put them on both sides of the tank pointing in.
put your rock in the middle of the tank not against any rocks to keep flow high and try to incorporate holes, caves, openings, etc in the rocks for better biological filtration and flow.. surface area is a major component of good biological filtration so the more surface of the rocks exposed, the better they filter.
get a 100w stealth heater and see if you can fit it in the powerfilter with the media bags or the chaeto powerfilter.
get a 2bulb current usa saltwater version T5HO fixture if you're not going to grow corals
the sand should be aragonite based, I like caribsea brand.
a hang on the back skimmer may also help you keep nitrates down in the tank, but if you don't try to put too many fish in there (you really can't in a 23gallon anyway) you may not need it. A good one would be a Tunze Nano DOC, but they are pricey... maybe someone can chime in on a good, but cheap alternative.


ok! thats better! and i hear that those marineland eclipse hoods with all the bio wheel stuff inside is good? do u kno about that and what do u think? they sell them on this site too. would that be the same thing as this?


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefr23
ok! thats better! and i hear that those marineland eclipse hoods with all the bio wheel stuff inside is good? do u kno about that and what do u think? they sell them on this site too. would that be the same thing as this?
nah that stuff all sucks.. biowheels don't belong on sw tanks, they trap a bunch crap that turns into nitrate and phosphate traps which makes perfect water quality impossible..
I did think about trying a turf scrubber with a biowheel or something similar... it'd be for a different app than you're thinking though.