will i regret a 3 strip damsel? Please help


will I regret a 3 stripe damsel with 2 clown fish and and a fridmani aquacultured? If so any suggestions as what would go with these fish? Also what is A good cleanup crew for a 35 gallon tank.. it has been established for 3 years but i am down to 2 snails and 2 blue leg hermit crabs....thanks


Originally Posted by barbiegirl
will I regret a 3 stripe damsel with 2 clown fish and and a fridmani aquacultured? If so any suggestions as what would go with these fish? Also what is A good cleanup crew for a 35 gallon tank.. it has been established for 3 years but i am down to 2 snails and 2 blue leg hermit crabs....thanks
The three stripe is not such a good choice. That tank is small and those damsels are quite mean.


My 4 stripe is a great fish..Ive had it since i cycled my tank over a year ago..Mine isnt mean though..Very pretty fish..Is the temperment of a 4 stripe and 3 stripe different? Just my thoughts


Active Member
Three stripes are known for being slightly more aggressive than four stripes. Either way, I think the other fish in your tank are capable of holding their own, especially if they've had some time to get established.


In nearly all damsel cases, they do prove to be aggressive. How aggressive depends on the tankmates and the time of their addition to the tank. However, I will say this, should it become aggressive and you want to get it out at a later date and time it's generally a huuuuuge pain to catch them. Especially with all the live rock we put into our tanks they like to hide. I had to break mine down just to get my stupid yellow out. So i'll never have a damsel again.


My three-stripe started out fine, but as more and more time passed, he got bigger and meaner. If you are going to keep only other aggressive fish, but if you decide you want something more peaceful, you're going to be in trouble, imo. And it's a real pain to get them out of the tank--or it was for me anyway. Mine killed some of his tankmates before he was evicted.


I generally tend to avoid all damsels, except for Chromis, because pound for pound they are very aggressive fish. They are also hard to remove from a tank without tearing down your rock.