Will it start a new cycle?


I have my 30g running now for about 6 weeks, and currently has 35lbs LR, 1.5" LS, and some button polyps. I also have a bi-color pseudochormis, and some snails and hermits.
I set up an 18g sump under my DT, and has a DSB, with my protein skimmer running in it for about a week. When I connect my sump to my DT, will it start a cycle or cause stress to my fish and inverts?


when you set it up did you take water out of your display during a water change or did you use brand new water? if you used brand new water in the sump you may need to let it cycle first..


New Member
It would help me if I knew exactly what DSB and DT means! Sorry for the newb question but I really don't know what these 2 things mean! Thanx!


Active Member
There is a post at the top of the page with a list of all the common abbreviations used.
but DSB means deep sand bed, and DT is display tank.


Active Member
I doubt you'll have any problems.
Introducing new saltwater to a tank should not cause the tank to go through a cycling period.
Just as doing a partial water change on an established tank does not cause the tank to "re-cycle".
What you did say about causing stress to fish and inverts is absolutely correct in my thinking. Not because the sumpwater needs to be "cycled", but because introducing any new saltwater to an establsihed tank can possibly cause stress to fish/inverts - especially if the pH, temperature and specific gravity of both are not the same ( or very close )
I would do this.
Turn on your return pump and force a little water up to the display tank - then shut if off. Only introduce small amounts of the new sump saltwater to the display tank at a time.
Then let the display tank mix for awhile.
Later on - turn pump back on and shoot some more sump water up to display.
Keep doing this and you should be fine.
This is how I always have done it and it works pretty good.
Obviously you'll want to test the sump's saltwater and display tank's saltwater for temperature, salinity and pH ( and any other tests you feel like doing )
If they are very close in temp, salinity - chances are good your critters won't even realize it.