will it work


Active Member
I want to use a Iwaki 30 rlxt 960gph at 4ft to cut down some I want to run it through a SWCD I have a CPR s90 overflow its rated for 600gph my ? is will the GPH cut down enough to handle my overflow, And if not is there a way to modify the overflow thanks for the replys Jeremy


Active Member
Have you run your plumbing plan through an online head calculator? I couldn't say for sure but that seems like an awful lot of pump for a 600 gph OF. Then you would have to throddle back the pump severely......


New Member
You could put a gate valve on the output of the pump and close it half way. Fire up the pump and keep opening the valve slowly until you see that the over flow is not keeping up and then back it off a turn or so.


Active Member
Originally Posted by TurningTim
Have you run your plumbing plan through an online head calculator? I couldn't say for sure but that seems like an awful lot of pump for a 600 gph OF. Then you would have to throddle back the pump severely......
basically Im redoing my sump and had this pump laying around the pump has 1inch inlet and 1inch outlet I was thinking of reducing it at the pump to 3/4 for the return going to a SCWD and then spliting ofcourse out of the SCWD to 3/4 flex pipe for the returns. I was going to keep the 1inch inlet to the sump 1inch. right now I have on the bottom of my overflow a short piece of 1inch PVC glued in and I put 1-1/4 flex pipe over it. if you think it won't work is there a way to modify my overflow to make it work.


Active Member
The OF I don't think should be modded. The volume of the inner and outter boxes are calculated for the flow of 600 GPH.
With the restriction you are going to put on the pump it may be close but adding a valve/piping to move some of the water back to the sump may allow you to use it. But I'm just afraid that to much restriction will over heat the pump.
Overall I wouldn't buy this pump for this application but since you have it might as well try it.
Do you know what fittings and such you'll be using? I would feel more comfortable if you knew what the end head loss was going to be.


Active Member
Tim I wish I could get some more accurate numbers for you but doing the math to figure this out is not in my realm yet. basically I wanted to use all flex pipe and use all PVC connecters were threads are involved. But if you think I should hard pipe it all and put a T for another pipe to go in the sump that would also be cool because I normally put powered heads in my sump anyhow(I like flow in there) By restrictions do you mean reducing it at the pump from 1inch to 3/4. The only reason I wanted to do that is I couldn't figure a way to reduce flex pipe to go into the SCWD. If that isn't want you mean I am confused
but I would like to run this pump wide open if I can so it don't overheat


Active Member
I would love to just drill the tank but I heard it was hard and risky to drill glass the tank isn't bought yet thats what im waiting for im doing a 55gal swap but the only place thats close to me only sells the 55 in glass not acrylic. so while im swaping tanks im doing a sump make over and using some things that are just laying around(I wanted to get more flow in there for some time now) any suggestions would be awsome


Active Member
OK Ibew, A couple things. This is going to be a new system right? You're going with a 55 DT. and what size sump? Drilling isn't that hard and you may be able to find someone (glass shop) in your area that will do it for you.
In any case if you go OTT (over the top) are you planning on 2 returns? How much flow are u looking for? It seems that your OF is the hindering piece of equipment but you could use the Iwaki as a closed loop pump (OTT) and then get the proper return pump for the tank. Or you can get the correct size OF for the pump.
Heres the issue, the Iwaki is going to give you at least 750-800 back to the tank (OF won't handle that) and you're going to want more flow than what the OF can handle. So you're going to have to supplement flow somehow right? Why not use the Iwaki to its fullest in a CL system and then get a Mag 7 or something similar for a return pump. Or if you want a OF that will handle the Iwaki you might be able to talk me in to making you one.
Lets just think this through before you make any decisions. I can help you out I think.


Active Member
yes this is basically going to be a new system 48-13-20 except for the LR and LS,and corals. I have a sump that Im going to use. It is feeding my other 55gal right now and I have one to replace that in my garage The sump Im going to use is 24-10-12. I found a LFS that does drill glass. but they want 40 a hole
what a rip off but If i get one hole done that isn't so bad. I guess Tim i don't have to use the SCWD I just had it laying around and figured I could use it. yes I wanted to split the returns because I think if I dont I wont have any LS at the bottom of my tank
from to much flow in one spot and yes there will be more PH just some maxi 1200s Im going to shoot for 30x turnover but if I fall alittle short its no biggie. Im up for suggestion too let me know what you think


Active Member
forgot to mention for the returns I have the hang on style with the flexable ends so I don't think I need to drill for the returns


Active Member
For 40 a hole they better guaranty they don't break it. I have never seen hole drilling cost that much. usually its like 10-20 a hole.
The issue I see now is the sump maybe to small for the pump. You will get mirco bubbles back to the pump and then in your tank. With that much flow the sump just isn't big enough to get all the bubbles out before they hit the return.
So are you going to have 2@1" holes drilled. That will get you 1200gph. What are you going to do about a OF box on the inside to surface skim?
Here's a pic of what I did on my 120. Weir dam OF and 2@1" drains that will go into a modified durso and down to the sump........


Active Member
do you need to make a box for the drain hole and also if the pump is 2 strong can I use it for a closed loop also for the closed loop can I also drill a hole for that 2 and can I have 2 returns off of the closed loop can you list what I need for example what size pipe what size return what size hole and can I use the OTT return stlye return pipe for the overflow


Active Member
I'm a firm believer in surface skimming with a box of some sort. B/c thats where all the proteins are for the skimmer to pick-up.
IMHO, I would use the Iwaki for a CL with at least a 1" in and 2@3/4" or 2@1" out. Would probably be more efficient with a 1.5" in but 1" should work.
Then get a return pump that is suitable for your OF and sump size. With 2@1" returns. Maybe like a mag 7 or Dophin dp800.
You don't have to drill any of this. It can all go OTT.......
Just a side note, If at all possible I would move up to a 75. I have a 55 and just picked up an 80. The 55 is very cumbersome to deal with b/c its so narrow. I don't have the 80 up and running yet but I can see it is going to be much easier to deal with with just the added 6" of width. JMO.


Active Member
I don't think im going to make the skim boxes but I do agree with you is there some type of screen of some sort to put in the drain holes for OF and CL drain. I have had 2 55 gal tanks for awile now waiting on the big upgrade when I move. Just right now Im laid off and getting really bored need a project. When I bought the tank It was really scratched and just hate algea filling in the cracks looks like crap. and while im at it wasn't happy with the flow and the sump so yes redoing everything. there basically like 2 frag tanks anyhow since there getting packed with acan,micro and FL ricordea. I do agree with you the 55long sucks I have a 36-18-20 so much nicer to put rock in an aquascape than the 55long but I can do this whole bulid for what in upgrade costs. I found the tank last night for 100 bucks found a whole diamond bit set on the bay for 70 shipped 2-1/2 down to 1/2 and still looking for a mag 7 thats what I have on my other tank very reliable pump.


Active Member
I don't think you need a whole set of hole saws. Search lau on the bay. I think thats his name. Saws come from Hong Kong. Thats where I got mine. I think for a 1" BH and 1.5" BH holes I paid less than 30 shipped and they were here in less than a week.
Planning on doing some drilling today and will post on my 120 build thread. Pretty easy and straight forward.
I found my 80 on craigs list for 60 bucks. needed a small repair to the trim but well worth it.