will just vho lights work for hard corals

old hermit

i was wanting some hard corals so im getting rid of my 65 watt pc light and getting 4 75 watt vho system for my 29 g. will this work? i also want some sps corals. i cant afford a mh system so this is all i can do i just wanted some info from people. no clams or any of that stuff just corals.


Active Member
Sounds good to me. Halides are great but on a small tank you can run VHO and still be ok for about whatever coral you want.


You can definitly get
Porites (Finger Coral)
Goniopora (Daisy Coral)
Euphyllia (Frogspawn, Hammer, Torch, Anchor coral) these are my favorite)
Catalaphyllia (Elegance Coral)
... too many to listed
have fun

nm reef

Active Member
I keep a growing assortment of LPS corals under a combination of pc's & vho's....the combination has been working well for me. Curious as to why you plan to remove the pc? :cool:


I love my Icecap 660! Use four 75W tubes two atintics and two 10,000k and thats 300Watts on a 29G I don't think you will have any problems growing things.

kris walker

Active Member
Many have had great success with SPS and VHO (checkout the IceCap SPS experiment). So I would say you'll be fine as long as you get say 3-4 24-in bulbs. However, from what I have seen, MH is not much more expensive (if more expensive at all) than an equivalent VHO setup. But I suppose there are exceptions to this.

old hermit

i like the pc lights but 65 watts is not enough. when i got them i bought one with a hood system not retro so i cant fit anything else on top of the tank. in other words i will end up having to get new lights anyway so i can build a canopy for them and a mh. i could tear the hood off my pc so it is smaller. those lights are only giving me 2 watts per gallon but if i get the vho system i will have 10 watts per gallon. i just wanted some opinions on this im not jumping into it really soon. right now im just researching. thanks alot for the help i know the lighting questions suck but i had to ask.


Active Member
I am running VHO's on my tank and have been from day 1. Im have many sps corals who are healthy, growing and full of color.
I would suggest you get Mh's and run them concurrent with your PC's. But I love VHO's and recommend them to anyone. Just feel it out. I mean it's like Broomer said, "Your Tank, Your Choice".
If VHO's are ran off a quality electronic ballest there life span is right up there with PC's. You might have to replace them a little(emphesis on little) more often than Pc's but PC's are considerably more expensive. Now, I'm not a technical guy by any means. You get to talking about lumens and all that I tend to get head-aches. I do know that the VHO's are more intense and there color is better. Especially the actnic lights. It is a much more richer and vibrent blue than the PC's.


New Member
I will not get into the lighting type debate. I think vho's, pc's and Mh will work. I am currently running 4x95 vho's on my 55 gallon, and yes I know I can put 48 inch bulbs on this tank but I moved these from a 38 gal and I will get the longer bulbs next time I order. I am keeping a deresa clam and several sps corals in this tank, even 2 acropora frags. I am not getting the growth rates with the acroporas that I have read about on many sights, I don't know if these are just slower growing types or if they do need mh lighting. I don't think that it is a lighting issue, both are bright green and one has violet tips and they are both growing.

richard rendos

Active Member
Check out Champion Lightings reef tank at the following link:
<a href="http://www.championlighting.com/cgi-bin/catalog.cgi?page=Tank_Gallery/tank_gallery.html&cart_id=" target="_blank">http://www.championlighting.com/cgi-bin/catalog.cgi?page=Tank_Gallery/tank_gallery.html&cart_id=</a>
They don't seem to have any problems with just VHO's.