Will light starvation work on Hair algae?


Would this work the same on saltwater as it does on freshwater?
I am battling this problem with all forces, but....
Just grasping at straws.
The only thing for ideas left is that when my tank seal went, my sand ended up 1/2 dying( very smelly)
The nitrates spikes for a while but have been at 0 for 2 months .
Thanks for your help,


It MAY help I guess. But if you lower its nutrients, it will eventually die off. Maybe get some algae eaters in there. How are your phosphates and nitrates Currently??


phosphates and nitrates are 0 and have been for awhile. Tang has had enough and won't eat it anymore.
My sand is starting to clear up the dead particulate from the tank crash.
Frustrating, but will ride out. Considering a sea hare.


Active Member
sea hare's will only eat it down so much. i rented one from my lfs, and within 2 weeks, he chomped most of it down. another 2 weeks went by and there was no change. he couldnt eat anymore of it off the rocks because it was too short.
i returned him, and now im fighting the balance of it. i cut down my photo period. i may just have to pull out one rock at at time and scrub it down in a bucket of old water. i may lose some coralline, but i'd rather lose coralline if i can lose the balance of the hair algae.


I dont know too much but here is what I do know. I have one rock with green hair alge on it. I had to move some stuff arround and I put a plate coral over half of it for about a week. When I moved the coral the other day all the alge was white. I would say that you can light starve it. I would also say that you should be able to some how cover it like with a small hand towel and see if that helps. Wont look very good but its worth a try.