Will long tentacle anemone move itself?


I purchased a long tentacle anemone yesterday. I was told it would go on the rock but preferred the sand bed. I placed it on a nice flat spot on top of my rock to see how it adjusted. It seemed fine, it opened up right away and my clowns have been playing in it all night.
I decided to try it on the sand bed this morning as i've been reading that the sand bed is most likely where it would want to be placed. Well it seems that there was quarter size hole below it in the rock I placed it on and it has pressed it's base into this hole and has a hold on the rock in a big way, it won't let go or budge. I don't want to force it or anything so I have let it be, if it's wants to stay there that works for me, I just want what is best for the anemone.
I am just wondering, if it is unhappy where it is will it move down to the sand bed on it's own?


New Member
Our experience is that yes, the anenome will move to where it is most comfortable. We took over an established tank and the anenome it came with remained in the same spot for months. We added a rock anenome however and that little guy moves all over the place. Now both of them move around from one end of the tank to the other. They both eat and are growing nicely so we have just let them be. Its cool to wake up in the morning and find out our little community has been active throughout the night. :joy:


Agreed. The anemone will decide where it wants to be, if you happend to place it in a good spot the first time don't think about complaning, most will hide for a bit and worry the owners.
Do you have a pic of yours?


Originally Posted by Thomas712
Agreed. The anemone will decide where it wants to be, if you happend to place it in a good spot the first time don't think about complaning, most will hide for a bit and worry the owners.
Do you have a pic of yours?

Well it's still in the same place tonight so it must like the placement :)
Here is a pic.

Nico Scarlato

New Member
I just purchased a long tentacle anemone too and has only been in my aquarium for about 40 minutes or so, but is it normal that its not moving around and on it's side? Tentacles move but looks akward. Think its stressed from shipping:(

Nico Scarlato

New Member
I forgot to float the bag for temperature but drip acclimated for a little more than an hour. Salinity is 1.025, PH is 8.2 temp is 76, Ammonia 0, nitrates low. He looks like he moved a little from yesterday but still on his side with tentacles moving around "happily". I read online that some LTA's take a few days to stick to something from stress. It did ship across the country overnight so stressed

Nico Scarlato

New Member
2 White T5s led for night and a purple flourescent that I run with the T5’s. So definitely have strong enough lights just hoping he’ll go into sand soon only has been a day or so and is stressed from shipping

Nico Scarlato

New Member
I was told it was... What should I have because its a big light with a total of 4-5 bulbs so it may be 2 t5's and 2 Fluorescents on a 60 gallon aquarium

Nico Scarlato

New Member
Sorry i just double checked and have 2 blue t5's, 1 white t5 and 1 purple t5 and then blue led for night. Its a 4 bulb aquatic life fixture and replacing one of the t5's right now. Also has the built in timer and fans so definitely a good fixture might need to get new/different types of bulbs? thanks


Well-Known Member
That might do it. Time will tell. Make sure you use quality bulbs, they aren’t all equal. I prefer geissman or ATI. Change them out every 9 months or so but not all at the same time. The moon lights don’t contribute significantly to the light out put.

Nico Scarlato

New Member
ok will do thanks. the LTA has moved a little bit but still on side in sand moving tentacles. foot is sticky because i see sand sticking to it but is not dug into sand yet.