Will moving LR survive?


I recently moved, and had to transport 65 lbs of LR. Unfortunately, I've had to put the live rock in a cooler of salt water and keep a power head in the cooler moving the water over it.
It has been in this cooler with the power head for about 2 months.
My question is, is it possible that this LR will be OK when starting up my new tank. And if it isn't OK, how can I tell if it is still "Live?"
One final point - in the cooler with the powerhead running, the water has been fairly hot. I'm assuming that this is not ideal, but will it kill the rock?
Thanks for any help. I'm hoping to save some money by saving the rock.


Active Member
you should be alright. if your nervous test the water the LR is in. if ammonia is present, then you'll need to cure it. but I think you'll be fine.


Active Member
curing it would involve, keeping the temp in the optimal range, same with salinity, introduce an ammonia source (fish food, raw shrimp, something like that), then check for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate, once you see trates but no trites or ammonia it is cured.