Will my big hermit crabs eat my snails?


Active Member
My little hermit crabs eat my snails so it's very possible. The red crab w/the white spots though is definitely a concern. I had one and they get huge! 10-12 inches. When I heard this I took it to my lfs and they took it off my hands but they guy said he had one and it was a terror that ate everything it could get it's hands on :S I love the way they look, but I wouldn't trust them to leave anything alone.
Either way, I would give them lots of empty shells to change into when they get bored.


I have had quite a few turbo and astria casualties due to my larger hermits. I don't have those hermits anymore (gave them to a friend who doesn't have snails).
Big crabs like big mansions so any snail that has the deluxe model shell with sidebar and lifetime Sports Network is fair game for a big crab.....sorry, bad humor. But yes, a large crab will take advantage of a snail who has the "nicer pad".


Yes the crabs will kill the snails for their shells. The only only reason I know this is from experience. There are a few ways to somewhat control this. First put some empty shells in your tank this will offer the crabs more of a variety also imo the scarlete's are the most agressive home-jackers, maybe a different vaiety of crabs would be adviseable. Unfortunately as soon as my turbos would leave the glass the scarlettes would "home jack" them. So I put them in my fuge and they are getting bigger and bigger so I put some empty shells in also, and keep different variety in the main tank. So far all seems well..............................