Will my Coral Banded Shrimp kill my cleaners


no u shouldnt b scared, just do do it because your cbs will attck other shrimp unless you have a big tank that it will b hard for them to meet up... what size tank do you have


I have a 55 gallon, and my CBS has attacked at ate most of my other shrimp, plus it ate my arrow crab. It's already 2-3 inches wide. how much larger will it get?


I have had a CBS for over 2 years now and he is quite large...He doesn't bother my cleaner shrimp or any fish...he occasionally lunges his pincers out at passersby...but only in motion....he's never bothered anything yet.


Im also worried. After i added my teeny tiny CBS, he already took over my matured Fire shirmp's home.
Originally Posted by puffer32
I believe my CBS killed both of mine, but no proof. How big is the CBS?
He is quite BIG. I will try to upload a picture


ive been through 2 cbs, and neither had harmed my cleaners,
BUT STAY AWAY FROM ARROW CRABS, my stupid crab killed my yellow watchman goby that i only had for 2 days, and i have a 90
Originally Posted by AAnthony
ive been through 2 cbs, and neither had harmed my cleaners,
BUT STAY AWAY FROM ARROW CRABS, my stupid crab killed my yellow watchman goby that i only had for 2 days, and i have a 90
thanks! I don't like them Arrow Crabs anyway. I think they are ugly.