will my diatoms ever go away?


Active Member
i have had diatoms for about 3 weeks now. i got them about the same time i got a new light and i just bought a RO unit. i have about 9 turbo snails i heard they feed on diatoms. but most of it is still there. ive had the rock for about a month and a half. i am getting tired of them if my light has caused it when will they go away?


Its an ongoing problem, I have delt with it for awhile there are some options that can help, lowering light time, limit feedings, and or moving powerheads around and experimenting with that, as well as purchasing a sand sifter species that may help (star fish, gobies, etc...) in time it should go away .....


I agree with the suggestioned made above, but if you want to buy more critters to eat the brown stuff, you might also try some scarlet hermit crabs. I have found that about 10 of those in my 55 g eat more diatoms than my 3 turbo snails, especially on the substrate and rocks. My snails spend 1/2 their time on the glass. These crabs are also cheap (about $1.50 each at my LFS, versus 3 for $10 for turbo snails), and they are very busy / fun to watch. Finally, if you are using conditioned tap water, you might try switching to DI water for water changes and top offs. That might help also.


Active Member
thanks guess theres not much i can do right now. i might try the crabs, my snails like to spend time on the glass too. i use RO water for top offs and water changes if thats what you mean. i also have i think some blue legged hermit crabs they spend time on the rocks and sand, they are not even a half inch right now.i took about half the rock out and put it in saltwater and scrubed it off and stirred up the sand some. that side of the tanks looks better than the other. lol but its a pain to do so i havent gotten around to the rest.