will my plate coral come back?


i have an orage plate coral that has turned about 1/3 white.... hes still eating. ive been feeding him everyday hoping his white will turn back orange. all my levels are fine except my kh has been low..... please help!!! any advice will be appreciated. will he ever cure himself? what can i do?


Active Member
Is it a fungia coral? If so they are extremely hardy. It will most likely fully recover if you correct the conditions that led it to deline.


i know its a orange plate coral. i dont believe its a fungia plate coral. i could be wrong. ill post a pic.... i appreciate the advice

aztec reef

Active Member
it's definatly a plate coral.imo you don't need to feed daily, about twice a week will do. i have the same exact orange plate coral.it looks bright neon orange under actinics. hows calcium ,alk ?


Active Member
please keep us posted on this. I have this thing for plates and tracking thier demise. Sorry if this is bad news, but they almost never come back. Any tears or damage to the flesh? If its just color then you might be ok, but if torn or damaged tissue then he is most likley Shrimp food in about 2 weeks. Fingers crossed and do keep us posted.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ReefForBrains
I have this thing for plates and tracking thier demise. Sorry if this is bad news, but they almost never come back.
Plates will often come back, if not just like they were..the skeleton can often spawn new babies. Even years after it is dead. Please post all parameters & what type of lighting it is under? What lighting was it under before you got it? How long have you had it?


Active Member
Originally Posted by promisetbg
Actually it is called Cycloseris, a short tentacled plate.
Thanks Promise ... I'd give it a better chance than the long tentacled.


Active Member
Originally Posted by promisetbg
Plates will often come back, if not just like they were..the skeleton can often spawn new babies. Even years after it is dead. Please post all parameters & what type of lighting it is under? What lighting was it under before you got it? How long have you had it?
I just had the same peice die. I had it under 195W PCs in a 29 for 16 months and it started bleaching on Monday and was toast by the following Monday. All parameters are good. 0,0,5 CA 420, MAg, 1300, SG 1.026, PH8.25, DK 10. I also had a 6 head candy cane go in the same period. Red bugs? ANy thoughts?