will my sand ever settle?


I just filled my tank today with a layer of play sand and 20lbs of LS. The play sand made the tank brown and cloudy..i rinsed the sand first and put the sand in before the water??It has been like 5 hours and still a little cloudy..And i had the LS in the tank for about 45min before i added the salt. Does that matter or is my Sand still live?? I added Cycle to my tank as well..i am gonna add 2 or 3 damsels tomorrow..How long till i can add my baby shark and eel??


itll take a while for the sand to settle it took my tank two days to settle. do u hve your pumps on if so maybe you should turn them off till the sand settles


i had my one power filter on for a little while but i shut it off an hour ago...It has gotten better since this morning


Active Member
It can take a week for it to clear up. Run a mechanical filter without the filter pad to keep the water oxygenated...


Active Member
You're witnessing the first rule of saltwater tank keeping.
Give it time it will settle. Once bacteria settles on your grains of sand they'lll fall to the bed when stirred. Until then, it's a storm of dirt every time they're disturbed.
Good Luck!


Active Member
It'll take a while...but it will settle. I filled my ray tank with sugar sand, and hoa boy! I'll bet it took at least a week before it started to clear up.


ok thanks ..looks a litlle better this morning..can i throw some damsles in while still cloudy?


Set up the filters!!
Get it running!
Start the cycle with a piece of cocktail shrimp from your grocery store. It will decay and start the cycle faster than a few little poops form a damsel or two.....
Good Luck.