Originally posted by bigbobsull
I started a tank a few weeks ago (its a 15 gallon) and I got like 25 lbs of LR, I added 2 damsels a week into the tank. My question is how long should I wait till say I add a clown fish or something? All levels are good, but I don't know if it's cycled .
First remove the damsels, and when you take them into the LFS for a trade in, get a clown. Since the damsels have been in there they have probably already staked out their territory and may make the life of the clown a living hell.
Do some research on clowns. My 2 LFS say that clowns will usually make it fine through a cycle, but you need to test your water before you make the switch to make sure it's fully cycled. Heck even taking your water sample in with you to the LFS and have them do a second test just to be sure (I do this sometimes when Im not feeling confident on my test results at home, but they havnt been wrong yet, but better safe than sorry).