Will Ocellaris host BTA or Hadoni


I have two ocellaris clowns and am planning a new, larger tank. I would like to know if my clowns will host one of these low light requirement anemones. has anyone had success with percs or false percs hosting a BTA or Haddoni.
if you have pictures of your BTA or Haddoni please post to aid in my choice.


Compatible Anemones : Bubble Tip Anemone (Rose Anemone) (Entacmaea quadricolor)
Magnificent Anemone (Ritteri Sea Anemone) (Heteractis magnifica)
Giant Carpet Anemone (Stichodactyla gigantea)
Saddle Carpet Anemone (Haddon's Sea Anemone) (Stichodactyla haddoni
coppied from fishlore.com
I have 2 hosting 4 rbta's


I've seen many ocellaris and true percs choosing a BTA for a host. It's not a combination found in nature, so I think it can take longer, but eventually they do decide to move in

I have 2 ocellaris with an RBTA

rod buehle

Originally Posted by Sula
I've seen many ocellaris and true percs choosing a BTA for a host. It's not a combination found in nature, so I think it can take longer, but eventually they do decide to move in

I have 2 ocellaris with an RBTA

Good answer :) A BTA is not a natural host to ocellaris, but they can/will.
Unfortunately the most natural hosts to ocellaris are the most difficult anemones to keep
Heteractis magnifica; Stichodactyla gigantea; S. mertensii are natural hosts for ocellaris


ok. well I've been thinking. maybe i shouldn't be worrying about an anemone right now. are there any corals that are known (in aquariums) to occationally host clowns. Torch coral? just thinkin. corals tht will thrive in t5 ho lighting


Originally Posted by Sula
I've seen many ocellaris and true percs choosing a BTA for a host. It's not a combination found in nature, so I think it can take longer, but eventually they do decide to move in

I have 2 ocellaris with an RBTA

i have 2 perc hosting in a gbta, but it seems like only the female is giving the nem it's loving so far, maybe its cuz the anemone is still too small


Frogspawn has moderate lighting requirements, is a agressive coral with potent sting, sends out 6" sweepers, need to be given it's space. I kept mine under T5's it grew form 1 head to 6, just rescently sold it, was bothering my polyps. In my opinion fairly easy to keep. It is a LPS will require clacium. Clowns have been known to host leathers, mushrooms, heck my brother has a false perc hosting a feather duster, just about anything.


Active Member
hell man, some people even report clowns hosting plants, there's pic somewhere in thsi section of a pair of clowns doin that, hosting power heads, filters, u name it, they will host it LOL


I did a time lapse of my tank and noticed one my clowns spending a lot of time on the top of a rock. it reminded me of a hawkfish. could this be hosting?