Will "Quick Cure" affect red mushroom?

I just did a 10 percent water change in my DT. A day later I noticed that my 6 stripe wrasse is starting to show ich spots. So I removed the carbon from my filter and started to use quick cure. I also raised the temp to 82F from 78F
After I applied the dosage i noticed that my mushrooms shrivled up, like when the light is off. Quick cure was advertised to me by my LFS to be invert safe. I have used it before with no effect on my inverts, but this was before I had the shrooms
Also the water I used for the water change was a little colder than the DT. I keep it in a 5gal bucket. Does anyone have a practical way of heating it, besides the obvious of getting a heater.
8.2 PH
nitrite 0
ammonia 0
nitrate 5
calc 500
SG 1.022
salinity 33
I also understand that the best approach is a QT. however my DT is a 5gal and I live ina small apartment. So this isnt really an option for me


Read the bottle of quick cure. It is not invert safe at all. It is actually quite harsh. D0 a water change to remove it and pick up some chem pure elite to run in your filter to remove the medication. Raising the temp to 82 will have no effect on ich at all. It is more harmfull to your other tank inhabitants than it is on the ich. If you do not have room for a qt tank can you find a spot for a small rubbermaid tub for a month? You are going to have to remove the fish from the non-fish to treat. You can remove the rocks, inverts, ect. to a small tub or remove the fish to a qt. Either way, they have to be seperated to treat.
I thought raising the temp would speed up the life cycle of the ich. I have also used quick cure before, and it didnt harm my inverts
When I do my water changes, I use a 1 gallon jug to transport from my garage. When it is too cold there, i fill the sink with warm water and put the jug in it. then I just monitor the temp of the change water...usually warms up in a few minutes.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
Read the bottle of quick cure. It is not invert safe at all. It is actually quite harsh. D0 a water change to remove it and pick up some chem pure elite to run in your filter to remove the medication. Raising the temp to 82 will have no effect on ich at all. It is more harmfull to your other tank inhabitants than it is on the ich. If you do not have room for a qt tank can you find a spot for a small rubbermaid tub for a month? You are going to have to remove the fish from the non-fish to treat. You can remove the rocks, inverts, ect. to a small tub or remove the fish to a qt. Either way, they have to be seperated to treat.
I agree with every statement made in this post.


Staff member
Yes, there is no such thing as medication that is totally safe for display tank. I believe if you read the label it will say not to use with inverts, which will include the mushrooms.
Do you have live rock?