Thanks for the info. I only said 1 & 1/2 " sand bed because I read someone's reply to another thread about how deep should the sandbed be. I currently have 4" of crushed coral in my reef tank, I thought 1.5" sounded kind of low.......... but here I am - looking for all info. I can get!!! I have tons (about 150lbs.) of live rock that I was going to return to the LFS soon, where I got it over a year ago... its so infested with bristle worms and aptasia, that its been an ongoing battle!! The bristle worms is not too bad if only they would stay small - Something in that tank eats any thing that we have put in there. I do see baby Bristle worms crawling all over the rocks. Then babies get huge!! I have pulled out a few fat boys around 6 to 7". I have grown tired of picking them out, trying to catch them in my traps etc. they multiply much faster than I can pick them out! That is why I wanted to see if I could use my clean base rock from an uninfested tank and possibly place a couple of uninfested LR around and in between them........ unless someone knows how I can rid the rocks of these pests!! I have been reading from time to time over the past year about them, but I haven't seen anyone have a solution to kill off so many pests without killing the rock. (maybe I missed something??)