Two of my tanks are years old... both are 55g.
One was in use on and off until the guy finally emptied it and gave it to me. It was built in 93. That tank is currently a reef, on the original sealant, and has never leaked. My sump on that tank is also a tank that was home to my sister's gerbil years ago that then sat in an attic for 10 years until I grabbed it and used it for a sump, so it spent the first 15 years of it's life dry. No leaks there either.
The other one has been sitting in a garage empty. It was built in 96, and sat in a co-workers garage from 98-2006, when I set it up as a African Chiclid tank. It too has never leaked.
I've been told that as long as you keep them full of water, the silicon should last a very long time... a good 20 years or more, but if the tank is empty for a very long time, it may dry out. I've never had that happen, yet, though.