Will silicone secure my rockwork?


Just a simple question... last time I used aquarium epoxy to construct my rockwork, but it was expensive, stunk (literally)... it didnt hold up very well either. I think I spent about $45 on this stuff at my lfs and was considering aquairum silicone (sealant) for the rockwall in my new 72. Ive personally never worked with the stuff, has anyone ever used it for this purpose? If not, what would you recommened? Ive heard of people using black plastic ties, although I think it would look a bit odd. Thank you for your views and replies guys!


i'm gonna bump this question to the top because i am also curious. I have seen people use PVC pipe to assemble a frame and was wondering if the "glue" the rock on or tie it.


If you get aquarium safe silicon I would see no reason why it wouldn't work. Most silicons have a "flash" cure time of about 5 minutes. Which means that they will develop a skin that will have some adhesive properties but the whole glob of silicon will take 24 to 36 hours to dry completely. Keeping that in mind if you can set your live rock up so it just doesn't instantly tip over and use a glob of silicon to secure it to glass or other pieces live rock once it dries even you would have trouble moving the pieces around. I've used it a couple of times and IMO let it air dry for about 2 to 3 minutes before placing it in the water and hold it for about another 2 to 3 minutes and once it's set it won't move until you disassemble your tank.


Active Member
think about this though....
If you are using it to keep LR together...you will have to wait for it to dry in the open air...possibly killing your inhabitants on the LR.
I would just go with the stone colored epoxy that is meant for underwater application.


Silicone will dry underwater the compounds that certian silicones are composed of uses the depeltion of another chemical to "dry" the silicone. I guess I should also elaborate that when I did it to my tank it was before I cycled the tank so I could have the liverock in the open air for a couple of minutes with no harm to it or anything else.


Why don't you try the super glue gel. I'm not sure how big the pieces are and how much you're trying to do...but it might work.


I was considering the silicone for securing my baserock wall (upon which the live rock would be laid). As far as super glue gel, how long does it require to set underwater? Thanks for the replies so far guys...