Will the tang be ok?


Do flame angels get more aggrersive. mine pics on my GSM's fins. both of them and now he seems to wanna take a chunk out the side of my baby tang. The tank is prob less than an inch i would say its a baby. But the flame wants to peck on his side.the flame i would say is about 3 inch. But even my small clown bites the tang also and hes only about 1 inch. But the dont chase him they will go up and bump him. but he doesnt move or run. Just wanna make sure the tangs goin to be ok.


pretty small tang.. i'd move it to a separate tank if possible. but that's just my opinion.. the flames can be quite aggressive in terms of nipping stuff as i've experienced..


could he nip it to death? it doesnt seem to bother him unless hes where he doesnt want him to be. the only reason i got a small tang is because i have him in a 46 gallon bow front but he will be moved to a 75 gal at min in a few months. the flame angel even picks on my maroons though. i will like to see it when they get bigger than him. They will be like whats up now punk you want some. bring it on. HAHAHA.


no doubt about that.. flames are just semi-aggressive in nature.. and probably taking advantage of it's size over the other tank mates.. i added mine last to my tank so that at least the other fish are better acclimated to the environment. not sure if it could nip it to death, but you never know.. small enough tang that it could be bothered/stress to the point that it comes down with disease..