Will the turbos survive?


I had a bad hair algae problem until I got 2 large turbo snails. They have cleaned every fiber of hair algae and reduced it to snail poop very effectively. I have a BB, so I can siphon the poop and get it out of the tank. I also have a aqua C remora skimmer that appears to be doing a good job. I am hoping that the algae will not come back.
However, if it doesn't, will the snails survive without the lush growth that they have consumed over the past 2-3 weeks?
Should I find a new home for them?
jew - bare bottom
And neoreef - mine are about 3/4 - 1" in diameter. They should be fine. They're deitrus eaters....
If you can get Kip's attention he's a good snail guy. He can definately tell you the answer.
My answer is an in my experience kinda answer....


I believe he means astrea turbo snails(30) and you may have mexican turbos. My astreas always live I had one die from falling on his back to long I had him 4 years. All my mexicans have died in a few months or so from starvation and/or heat exposure.


I definately agree with that, I only had 5 in my 30 gal and they eventually all died of starvation (im guessing) over a 6 month period.
I have a 55G load with L. rock 2 yrs. after algeas have vanished and they seem to like the nori(seaweed) for make up nutrition. Its the stuff I band to the rocks I sink for the tangs and such. Almost on Q one of them rushes in the current (so to speak) to get at it.
Usually this supplementing is good for my Fighting Conch and mex Turbos that go a round it like Jeckles once the tangs quit pushing them around. After they clean it all off and out from under the rubber bands they go back to general tank cleaning.
PS I noticed if I clean all the glass instead of just the front they get slower so i let them do everthing but thr front unless its showtime forthe geusts.



Originally posted by neoreef
What do you think, Mr Kip?
Do snails starve once they have cleared the tank?

Kip, penny for your thoughts?


Hey, thanks for the tip about the nori!. I put some in the tank and both snails are chowing down!
Makes me feel good to do a good turn for snails that have gotten rid of so much algae. I owe them...
Try this and see if you can get them back up an running,granted your prams are not the cause.......
I wonder if they become hooked and won't clean................So far they go back to tank cleaning.I been target feeding the mexs turbos and the fighting Conches. 2 times a week.

Watch Out if you pick up rock rubble like I use you don't get a bristle worm spine they and the pods are all over this once the lights go down.They often stay under it when they come back on.
I generally pick it up with a tool and drop it on a 5gal cover for transport and inspect, then do and undo rub. bands to hold the weed if all is good.


Thanks Scottbythesea,
There was some nori left this morning in an inaccessable place (my snails are large) so I brought it out this morning and luckily did not encounter a bristle.
Hopefully the snails will finish their meal today while I am at work and get back to cleaning everything as usual. I was thinking of lending them to someone with an algae problem in their tank locally, maybe starting a lend-a-snail program,( I've advertized locally, but no takers yet) but if I can supplement with nori, and the guys don't get too hungry or malnourished, I may just keep them.
Thanks again! (loved your pictures!)


2 Mexicans should be ok in a 55. I keep 6 in my 125. I give nori 2x a week and they find other stuff to clean. Once they are adjusted to reef temp. they do well.


thanks for the response. What temp to mexican turbos prefer? Do they like it cooler than reef (82?)?


I'm not sure how cool they like it. I'm gonna guess mid to lower 70s.