Will these fish get along together


I have a 60 gal. tank with about 120 lbs. of live rock in it.
I currently have a 3 1/2" Maroon Clown, a 19" Snowflake Eel, Purple Urchin, Red Serpent Star, and 2 Damsels in my tank. I am getting rid of the Damsels which are a pain to catch and plan on getting a Coral Beauty Angel Fish, Yellow Tang, and a Flame Hawkfish will these fish get along with each other and the other fish in my tank. Thank You


first, you could leave your damsels for your eel to eat.
Coral beauty is fine, but the yellow tang may get cramped in a 60g.
the flame hawk is a favorite of many people, im not sure about hawk/eel compatibility. Basicaly if it fits in the eels mouth, its eelfood.


Active Member
Yellow tang will not be a good idea, your tank is to small. Coral beauty is a good choice, along with the hawk. But your at your limit as to what you can put in your tank comfortably, especially with 120lbs of LR.

keith burn

Active Member
60gal with 120lbs l/r, with all that live stock ?
Get bigger tank .
I thank drop 30lbs l/r
No yellow tang
No damsels
And all is well.


Those damsels have been in the tank with the eel for over a year and he has not even tried once to bite them so i think he aint a very aggressive one at all and the maroon clown will go down and hit the eel in the face with his tail, so you guys think the Yellow Tang isnt a good choice


yellow tang = 6 feet of swimming room so sorry but no.
120 pounds of lr!!! ina 60? I think that 70 would be more then enough but wow.


I'm sorry, but putting anything you want to keep in with the eel is not wise.
We had one in a tank with a grouper and a lion for over a year and one day the eel just decided to take a chunk out of the grouper, which was almost a foot long. He took off the tail end, and gouged his flesh. It was so sad, watching that grouper die.
I'd keep the eel in the tank he is in-by himself!! and get a bigger tank for all your other livestock. (youve got enough live rock for two11!)


Active Member
Do you have a picture of your tank? People are probably just figuring that the tank is packed with rock...but if it is really dense heavy rock then there might be space.


sorry I dont have any pics but ya most the rock is bigger heavy more dense pieces and there is plenty of room in the tank for fish to move around alot, its not just a huge mound


Active Member
I would say the coral beauty and flame hawkfish would be fine along with what you have.I would'nt put the tang in..but if you decide to..make it your last fish.They can get nasty w/ newcomers.Another option is to skip the tang and the coral beauty and get a lemonpeel angel{pretty yellow w/ blue around the eyes}. Good luck with whatever you decide.


Yesterday I got the Coral Beauty to go with my 3 1/2" Maroon Clown, 19" Snowflake Eel, Purple Urchin, Red Serpent Star, some Turbo Snails, some Nassarius Snails, and 1 Yellowtail Damsel ( that I am trying to get out of my tank, I got one out a couple days ago) and I would like to get a Flame Hawkfish and a Yellow Tang, but I dont think I will get the Tang since everyone thinks its a bad idea, but will everything else get a long fine in my 60 gal. with 120 lbs. Live Rock


Active Member
Snowflake eels are of the pebbletooth variety. Basically crustacean feeders. I have't heard of one taking on a fish. I think your stocking with angel, clown, sfe would work with yet another small fish like a flame.