Will these fish go in a 150?


Active Member
Queen Angel
Miniatus Grouper
Cuban Hog
Volitan Lion
Spiny Box Puffer
Sailfin Tang
Clown Trigger
Naso Tang
Lunare Wrasse


Active Member
imo that sounds a bit overstocked and the clown may (not saying it will) kill ur entire tank. u may want to do maybe half of ur list, keeping in mind compatability issues such as the clown.


Active Member
With that list, I would drop the grouper and trigger and have 1 hella sump/refugium coupled with an oversized skimmer. Just my opinion.


With resident bullies like a large Angel, Puffer, and Clown Trigger, the Volitan would more than likely be ripped to shreds. Especially in such a small system; IMO it would take a system of several hundred gallons for this kind of pairing to have any chance of working, and even then it would be very risky.


Its not smart to do the upgrade thing because what if the funds are not there down the road and the fish have to suffer for no reason.
The Lion will prob. be killed rather quickly and the trigger has the ability to kill almost any of those fish when he gets to a certain size. The grouper, sailfin and angel get rather large.
In the end if you went with this stock list and everything by miracle survives then they would not be able to move! they would be swimmin on top of each other. Smallest fish on your list grows to 8". 150g sounds big but its not.


lunare wrasses can be pretty mean and can tear some fish up and most of the fish get to big IMO, some may disagree but wait till they are full grown.
The only fish from your list i would consider are the hog, foxface and the lion. But i am a little conservative
Sorry i know its not what you want to hear but you will need a way bigger system.


but forget the lion and hog and who doesn't get along besides the clown trigger?
IMO its not really even a question of getting along. The clown trigger should definitely be scrapped; a true alpha species that WILL kill anything that doesn't get out of its way, which is sure to happen in a 150 gallon system if stocked the way you are suggesting.
To me the more pressing issue here is fish size vs. system size. You've picked very large fish; the volitan, grouper, and angel are all capable of hitting 15 inches in length, and you've picked large tangs as well (Sailfins and Nasos are capable of reaching a foot and a half in length). Some of your fish also aren't about to write any books on dinner etiquette (i.e. they are messy eaters).
I'm inclined to agree with Blizz on this; keep it simple and add more fish only after you have upgraded. The volitan has an enormous presence and will be a show-stopper in your 150, and you should definitely consider the foxface as well. If you want more color, you might consider one of the smaller tangs (purple, yellow, powder blue, Hippo, or chevron are all reasonable options, IMO) or maybe consider a Harlequin Tusk. Depending on your filtration (and in particular, your skimmer) you could also consider one of the smaller or more docile eels (Snowflake or Zebra come to mind).
Just my opinion, different strokes for different folks. Best of luck on your tank.


Active Member
Thanks but I don't like eels
How about a purple and naso tang, spiny box puffer, minatus grouper, and queen angel


How about a purple and naso tang, spiny box puffer, minatus grouper, and queen angel
All those fishes should get along fine, but I would say a 150 would be the absolute minimum for keeping a queen angel.
Keeping a puffer, grouper, and large angel in a 150 will require massive filtration. In particular, make sure to get a very good skimmer.


Active Member
I will be sure to buy top of the line and bigger than suggested for that system.
purple tang, naso tang, spiny box puffer, minatus grouper, queen angel, and huma huma... or do you reccomend dropping one for a Harlequin Tusk?(sp.)


Most of these fish get too big.................. Still. You can mix the order of the species you want to keep, then take a few off and turn it upside down bu the point is still that some of these fish get too BIG!
This hobby is designed to replicate a natural environment for marine creatures and to make the living conditions as close to those the fish would experience in the wild. Putting a 18" fish in a 4' x 2 box will not make them happy. We need to respect the animals we are caring for and respect their basic needs. One of those would be that they can turn around in their tank w/o running into a tankmate. Just because we buy them does not mean they are ours to throw in a tank and tell ourselves they are happy, Because in fact many of these large predatory fishes will never be happy living in a glass box for the duration of their lives.
Im not trying to flame you or start an arguement, Its my opinion and in the end you can do what you like,..