but forget the lion and hog and who doesn't get along besides the clown trigger?
IMO its not really even a question of getting along. The clown trigger should definitely be scrapped; a true alpha species that WILL kill anything that doesn't get out of its way, which is sure to happen in a 150 gallon system if stocked the way you are suggesting.
To me the more pressing issue here is fish size vs. system size. You've picked very large fish; the volitan, grouper, and angel are all capable of hitting 15 inches in length, and you've picked large tangs as well (Sailfins and Nasos are capable of reaching a foot and a half in length). Some of your fish also aren't about to write any books on dinner etiquette (i.e. they are messy eaters).
I'm inclined to agree with Blizz on this; keep it simple and add more fish only after you have upgraded. The volitan has an enormous presence and will be a show-stopper in your 150, and you should definitely consider the foxface as well. If you want more color, you might consider one of the smaller tangs (purple, yellow, powder blue, Hippo, or chevron are all reasonable options, IMO) or maybe consider a Harlequin Tusk. Depending on your filtration (and in particular, your skimmer) you could also consider one of the smaller or more docile eels (Snowflake or Zebra come to mind).
Just my opinion, different strokes for different folks. Best of luck on your tank.