will these get along


percula clownfish 1
feather duster 2
deep sea yellow goronian 1
blue sponge 1
yellow sponge- tublular- desmacidon sp. 1
red scarlet reef hermit crabs 3
will these get along in a ten gallan tank
w/ 14lb ls and 10lb lr
it has good flow
but it has 15 watt pc lights
will the survive and get along
thanks for the help


sorry i kno nothing about corals but id do a pair of clowns. More interesting and your system should handle it fine


do you think it will be to much with the other things i want beacouse i was also thinking of a pair
is there any one that can help me out right now


you can, but they may not pair off i would just wait untill you can buy them together. and when your tank is established. there about 15 bucks at my LFS


my tank just finished cycleing yesturday thats why i'm asking is there anyone you can throw my way to help me out planning to go to my lfs tomorrow in the moring becouse thats when they are getting restocked and things go fast


Its not a good idea to buy things the first day they come in because if they are weak or dont eat then they may die, if you wait till the day before a shipment then you know theyve been there atleast a week


Active Member
i have been looking to buy a nano also. and, with the same ocupants of what you have except the tank would be a 29 gallon with a pair of percs, a diamond Goby, a coral banded shrimp and maybe a dwarf angel if it can handle it. but as for the corals i was thinking the same. 3 feather dusters, 1-2 gorgonians, and maybe a small anemone ( LT-BTA-carpet) nice thing about those corals and inverts is that they dont require intense lighting like MH's or what have you. but you will need a lot of water flow so in a 10 gallon be sure to have at least one poower head. so far your tank sounds great. have fun with it and keep up the research


Active Member
Originally Posted by GNorman
i have been looking to buy a nano also. and, with the same ocupants of what you have except the tank would be a 29 gallon with a pair of percs, a diamond Goby, a coral banded shrimp and maybe a dwarf angel if it can handle it. but as for the corals i was thinking the same. 3 feather dusters, 1-2 gorgonians, and maybe a small anemone ( LT-BTA-carpet) nice thing about those corals and inverts is that they dont require intense lighting like MH's or what have you. but you will need a lot of water flow so in a 10 gallon be sure to have at least one poower head. so far your tank sounds great. have fun with it and keep up the research
No anenome with 15 watts of lighting.


Active Member
I wouldn't plan on adding ALL the items you mentioned in the tank at once. Slow and steady wins the tank race.


i know i have to add things slowly, i just picked up a feather duster today it looked really good at the lfs but when i got home it left it's tube and the feathery looking thingy is drooping
it takes about 45 minutes to get to my lfs (if this helps)
will it servive


i just did my morning check up and there is amonia .25 will this end up being a miny cycle and will my clown fish and feather dust survive'
oh ya my mom wanted to suprise me and got me a clown fish.
there goes me getting two or is it still possible.
and is that the reson for the extra amonia
by the way my feather duster opened up fully and is even prettier than at the lfs
and the clown fish looks content every time i walk by the tank hes follows me.
hungry i guess..... but when i try to give him food he spits it out so i tried crumbleing it smaller he ate some then he tries to get more and spit out some
i'm guess in time

( i feed him Wardley essentials tropical fish flakes, same thing i feed to my fresh water angel fish)
another queston i got a power head its rated for a 30 gallen and i pointed it at the front glass. will this be enof for the yellow Gorgonian i want
please help thanks
you guess have helped me so much


Active Member
You can add another clown of same species, i would do it soon while the one you have now is still acclaimating. But first you need to get rid of that ammonia, do a good water change. I don't think it was the new fish, you just put it in, so its to soon for his waste to cause a spike.
Put as much flow on you gorgonian as you can, the more the better.

sign guy

Active Member
Originally Posted by puffer32
You can add another clown of same species, i would do it soon while the one you have now is still acclaimating. But first you need to get rid of that ammonia, do a good water change. I don't think it was the new fish, you just put it in, so its to soon for his waste to cause a spike.
Put as much flow on you gorgonian as you can, the more the better.


i did a water change and its still sitting at .25
hope it doesn't start a cycle
don't think my feather duster will make it


after my tank settles again and there is no more amonia
instead of getting another clown can i get a fish or two that hides in the rock work i love looking for fish in rocks (its like the where's waldo books :hilarious )
and if so what nice, peaceful, cororful, fish would you recomend :notsure: