will these get along


Active Member
You're not going to get rid of the ammonia by doing water changes until the tank is fully cycled and you have found an equilibrium point between the uptake of nutrients by beneficial bacteria. The same applies for people who do countless water changes b/c they can't get their nitrates down. Add more LR and hope for the best at this time.


my friend gave me all the sand and live rock and her tank was up for a while so it had alot of bacteria and so my tank cycled in like a week but there was not realy any big spikes
is that normal
oh ya and my water came from the gulf of mexico


i let it cycle like a week, it spiked up to .50 and then after a day or two it settled back down to 0, then when i added the fish and feather duster it spiked to .25, and i checked it five minutes ago and its now at .50 again..
i think i made a mistake
help will they survive,
the clown fish is now eating well


your cycle prob. was not over and you prob. just got a bad reading. Water changes will help along with some CURED lr from an established tank. Your going to have to ride it out. I wish you good luck.


okay current update
my tank is about .25 at amonia -- it going down
nitrite itabout 1. now it got higher
and nitrate is .20 it got higher


if i don't get more live rock how long do you think i will be in cycling
(live like 45m from lfs store and i don't know how to drive and i'm in deat with my mother for like $60)
and i also stired up the sand a little while i was moveing the 1 pound pile of lv and alot of little pods and clam looking things where uncoverd... they where so cool.
i paid like 2.00 more for the acual live sand not the bagged one
was that a better choice becouse the bagged sand was like suger grained size and the live sand i have is really fine
(guy at lfs said that pods and other creatures like finner sand... and was very onhest and said but it will probably make the need to clean out my power heads more(what a change to what i've heard))


Active Member
amonia with turn into nitrates and then nitrites. So like fishboy said your still cycling. Something that helps is a cleaner clam. they keep nitrites very low which helps keep your algae levels low and save you from green water. The algae will feed off the nitrites and nitrates. Make sure you have snails and hermits. Clowns are very hardy especially if tank bred.


i don't want one but will a chocolate starfish eat hermets,snail,sponges, seafans, clownfish, or feather dusters just wondering
to bad i can't have one becouse of my tank size


i've seen people keep small specimens of these in ten gallons

i was wondering if i could tade this coral for the deep sea yellow goronian
on my animal list
and would it stay happy with alot of water flow like the goronian


right now i would wait untill your cycle is finished and see what survives that you already have. How is you clown acting? swimming normally, breathing normally? eating?
The live rock would only help if it was FULLY cured and you bought enough. If you cant afford it then just wait the cycle out as i said above


well du i know that now i'm not going to put something else to suffer
and yes my clown is very happy he swims just like when i got him (like a dog's tail) and he eats alot when ever i open the lid to test the water he swims to the top and follows my hand and as for my feather duster its starting to get its feathers back it has little fuzy string putrooding from the tip of the worm and it starts to dance around (spins and when i walk by it pops in and out.......... looks funny
amonia 0
nitrite 1.5
nitrate 0
(its getting there) ***) just sitting back and whatch a little ocean flurish
and could i swicth the yellow goronian for the sea fan (after it cycles)
and what type of snail/hemits would be good for my animal list (won't eat or hurt the animals i want to keep)
oh and is there any type of starfish i could keep in a ten that would also not hurt my animals


hi umm i found these little crabs in the beach and took them home oh by the way good news my tank cycled and every thing is still alive, anyways are these reef safe
they are green

sea slug

Yes the crabs are reef safe they are emerald mithrax crabs they eat alge and they are fun to watch
Ps: You lucky sob, you live on the coast
I'm land-locked in ohio except for sludge-lake Erie