well du i know that now i'm not going to put something else to suffer
and yes my clown is very happy he swims just like when i got him (like a dog's tail) and he eats alot when ever i open the lid to test the water he swims to the top and follows my hand and as for my feather duster its starting to get its feathers back it has little fuzy string putrooding from the tip of the worm and it starts to dance around (spins and when i walk by it pops in and out.......... looks funny
amonia 0
nitrite 1.5
nitrate 0
(its getting there) ***) just sitting back and whatch a little ocean flurish
and could i swicth the yellow goronian for the sea fan (after it cycles)
and what type of snail/hemits would be good for my animal list (won't eat or hurt the animals i want to keep)
oh and is there any type of starfish i could keep in a ten that would also not hurt my animals