Will These sump plans work???


Ok im converting my 55g fresh to salt and was wondering if this sump setup would work and what equipment you would suggest. the sump tank is 20g 24" long Please give me input and help critique my sump. Any equipment you recommend please tell me


The plans you have draw up look pretty good. I would make the fuge portion of the tank larger. The middle portion that you labled don't know should be just large enough to house your return pump. I have a 58 gallon that overflows into my sump and i am using the mag 7 (700 gph) as my return pump and have had no problems. I also have read that you should split the water coming from the overflow and have it go into both the sump and the fuge.j


Active Member
To do away with running a pump to feed your fuge why not split your drain line from your overflow and feed your fuge section that way


Active Member
Skimmer should be before the fuge.... What you could do is leave the skimmer in the first compartment and the return chamber in the center section and the fuge on the far end....
You would feed the fuge from the drain line from the overflow box, and what would happen is you would split that drain line into 2... Putting a ball valve on the line split from the main line feeding your fuge, so you can control the flow going to the fuge....then your fuge would overflow back towards the left into the return chamber area...Your skimmer compartment or chamber would overflow into your return compartment as well...
Might be alittle confusing, but a good site to check out would be melevsreef.com. Has alot of good information on that site, and also has constuction tips and such...