Will these two work together?


New Member
I have a Red Volitan Lionfish, but now I've found a Picasso Trigger that I absolutely love. My current tank is only 28 Gallons, but I'm going to buy a 150 gallon very soon. I've heard that the trigger will attack the lionfish and possibly kill it. That's not what I'm wanting and I need more info if anyone has knows anything. Thanks.


I currently have a red lion (8") and picasso (3") together in a 135 and have been together for 2 years now. The picasso was added first. I have never had any problems. Goodluck.


New Member
Thanks for the information, I've visited the Picassso everyday this week and struggled with the decision to buy. I had decided that since there are risks, I'll hold out on the purchase.


Good move -- I have to agree with the description of the trigger. Ours was a little angel for about 13 months, then went on a rampage like you wouldn't believe.
He now has his OWN TANK, which is a little much, don't you think?
Oh well, hopefully he'll be happy in there until we find a good home for him. (read - with bigger, nastier fish than him)


Active Member
When you get your new tank, and you really want a trigger, go with one of the planktonic species - bluejaw, pinktail, niger, Hawaiin black, etc. Picasso's gain aggression with age, and you could possibly get away with it, there is also the chance of the trigger constantly harassing the lion and leading to a premature death. Bo


I have a BIG Niger trigger (8 inches), a BIG Volitan lion (8 inches) and a BIG nasty toadfich and they all seem to get elong quite swimmingly.. heehee. I feed them silversides and chopped up scallops and as long as the lion has his mouth full... the trigger eats what is still floating around and the toad cleans up what makes it to the bottom. Seems to work quite well.


lions are mean!!
i tried to have a lion and an eel. eel was a tad on the big side (4 foot) and the lion was not all that big ( i think he was 13 inches at the time) put them together and the lion beat the eel to a pulp. got in there as fast as possible, but that lion made the eel his b#$
. i returned the eel and the lion lives alone. i would not underestimate how big and bad a lion can be. course i feed mine live sw shrimp and pigfish. so he still has hunt and kill his food. got to love that.


New Member
I have no doubt that lions can be mean. My lion is about 6 inches and will attack anything that goes into the tank. He's come at the net, the cup for water samples and even my fingers. I just want harmonius living between my killer fish. The guy at the lps says I should ween him off feeders and feed him frozen shrimp, but there's no sport in that. The gold flakes in the water when he hits a goldfish are something I just don't want to give up. But I don't want to feed him a picasso trigger....or vice versa.