Will they be okay? :(


New Member
Hello, I am currently new to this forum,
I have had little luck with advice on this matter, so hear goes another try.
I am also fairly new to this hobby.
I currently have a 29G FOWLR system that has been set up for about 3 months.
I have 1 Diamond Goby, 2 Green Chromis, 1 Ocellaris clown, and 1 turbo snail.
30 lbs. of LR
SO my issue involves a recent water change.
I did not mix my own water considering i went out of town and the ammonia levels spiked, I had to act fast, so i did some research and found out ***** has a reliable product already made. : http://www.*****.com/product/11884/P...ean-Water.aspx
Heres where i made my mistake, I took out 5 gallons and instantly filled the pre made water into my aquarium. The salinity, SG, and temps were all even.
Then I noticed my fish would occasionally swim to the top and "pop" an air bubble.
now on another forum I was told i possibly filled the tank with too much water considering I have a Eclipse 3 Hood, and the filter puts oxygen into my tank (unless filled to high) so I then aerated the water with an airline that is optional for my power head.
Everything went back to normal but my clown still occasionally rises to the top and takes a gulp of air. hmm.
My ammonia, nitrate, nitrite, and Ph levels are also in check.
Any suggestions/ advice would be much appreciated thanks :)


You didnt mention any power heads during your question. Is your only source of water flow your filter? If so that is more than likely the issue you dont need nor want a bubbler in a saltwater tank so get rid of that. You do want to go out and get yourself a koralia pump rated for your tank I have a 35x turnover rate. You could get two 400gph koralia #1's in each corner I think that should set you up.


Active Member
[now on another forum I was told i possibly filled the tank with too much water considering I have a Eclipse 3 Hood, and the filter puts oxygen into my tank (unless filled to high) so I then aerated the water with an airline that is optional for my power head.]
I it says "i aerated it with an airline that is optional for my Power Head


New Member

Originally Posted by Hunt
[now on another forum I was told i possibly filled the tank with too much water considering I have a Eclipse 3 Hood, and the filter puts oxygen into my tank (unless filled to high) so I then aerated the water with an airline that is optional for my power head.]
I it says "i aerated it with an airline that is optional for my Power Head

Im aware?


New Member
Originally Posted by shwstpr88
Also test kits, what are your levels at? amm, nitrite, ph, nitrate?
My levels are all good, don not know what the issue is now the fish seem to do it less often but they still continue to gulp for air.


Staff member
What is your salinity level?
If you have good water circulation in the tank, then there shouldn't be an issue with oxygen.