Will this be enough flow/turnover...


for a 125 reef? My tank will be drilled with 2 corner overflows. The return pump will be 1150/gph. I was also going to add the Tunze Turbelle Stream 6080 that is rated for 2250/gph. That is 3400/gph or about 27 times turnover. But will that be enough from just those 2 sources? I am trying to keep the equipment in the tank to a minimum and would only like to put in the Tunze. But will add more if needed.


my5girls, you will hear from many that the more turnover you will have the better, this is of course for me a miff (hope I spelled that correctly) for in my first 7-8 years or ten years for that madder, I too back then thoughts as most people today, but the truth be one will still have many problems.
Today on my tanks, I have an average turnover rate of 7 times and I think on my 240 reef tank is near 8x turnover for then you have your water currents for even that water currents in my tanks is not included in my tanks turnover rate, it all plays an important role for a better healthy aquarium.
At one time back some 47 years ago, on one tank, I had a turnover rate of 17x, I was still in the progress of learning to better care for my tanks and inhabitants, but the truth be, today I am far more successful then I ever was. It not means however that I be immune to any loses for it happens in rare blue moons to the best people in the hobby.
For as to what I do, I have the best skimmer I can get for my tanks as well on one twin tanks system I make a 30-32 gal water changes a week and the other be to clean my tanks pumps shaft impellers for they in time become less effective in their performance.
This of course is my personal opinion and is nothing more then my own personal experiences in the hobby.
Dragon Moray Eels ><{{{{">

bang guy

Originally Posted by my5girls
for a 125 reef? My tank will be drilled with 2 corner overflows. The return pump will be 1150/gph. I was also going to add the Tunze Turbelle Stream 6080 that is rated for 2250/gph. That is 3400/gph or about 27 times turnover. But will that be enough from just those 2 sources? I am trying to keep the equipment in the tank to a minimum and would only like to put in the Tunze. But will add more if needed.
That would be plenty in my opinion. You could probably do with the 6060 if you wanted but since the 6080 can be dialed down (I think) it's better to have more than less.
I'm guessing that this will be primarily an SPS tank? You might want less flow if SPS isn't your goal.