Will this be ok to use


I have a 75gal reef tank with built in overflow right now i have a 600gph pump .My ?? is could i use a Mag 9.5gph pump on this I have a wet/dry filter rat..at 125gal
I heard that it might be to much for the overflow to handel

matt b

Active Member
Originally Posted by bennyhill
I have a 75gal reef tank with built in overflow right now i have a 600gph pump .My ?? is could i use a Mag 9.5gph pump on this I have a wet/dry filter rat..at 125gal
I heard that it might be to much for the overflow to handel
What size are the bulk heads? If they are what I think they are then no.


I run a mag 9 as my return pump on my 75 with no problems. I had originally plumbed in a ball valve in the return line so that I could throttle the pump back a little if I needed to, but I run mine wide open all the time. I have the same size bulkheads as you do btw.


Originally Posted by cmaxwell39
I run a mag 9 as my return pump on my 75 with no problems. I had originally plumbed in a ball valve in the return line so that I could throttle the pump back a little if I needed to, but I run mine wide open all the time. I have the same size bulkheads as you do btw.
Thank you so much , The 600gph just aint doing it for me iI need a little better flow ,I only have the 600gph pump and 2 Power Sweep 214 160gph
but i love the zoo-med power heads automatic rotating feature but i shouldhave went for more flow.. thanks cmaxwell


One thing to remember about pumps is the gph they are rated for is at 0 ft of head pressure (back pressure). As you add pipe and make it pump vertically, and or have elbows that it has to pump around it adds head pressure and decreases the output of a pump. So your 600 gph mag drive is probably putting out somewhere between 400 and 450 gph.


Originally Posted by cmaxwell39
I run a mag 9 as my return pump on my 75 with no problems. I had originally plumbed in a ball valve in the return line so that I could throttle the pump back a little if I needed to, but I run mine wide open all the time. I have the same size bulkheads as you do btw.
I have a mag 9.5 with my 75. Hang on overflow with 2-1" drains.My return line is 1.5" split to 2 outlets and drops to 1" at the exit point. I have never been able to run that thing full bore and have been considering switching to a Mag7 for my return. BTW, my pump is about 4 feet below my tank in the sump in the stand.


By upsizing the pipe size that you used on the return pipe to 1.5" you decreased the head pressure. I am running just 3/4" return pipe and have my return pump about 4 ft below the outlet. I only have 1 1" drain, but it is split to two spots (one for the skimmer, one for the fuge) and am able to run the return pump wide open. Have for over a year.


There is really no need to. If you wanted to you could use larger pipe and reducers to go through the bulkheads. You will get plenty of flow leaving it the way it is though.


could you just put a shut off valve in line of the overflow and jut turn it down a little to slow it down so it could keep up with pump


Active Member
Those 2 90's and the pipe running horizontal as opposed to runnimng down hill, put back pressure on the drain. This slows the flow dramatically. Because its a drain and has no pressure other than gravity. Increasing the pipe size and allowing the water to flow without the restriction of the 90's down hill, will allow the drain to handle more water. You could do the mag 9, put a BV on the return line and throttle it back if need be, or divert some back through the fuge if you so desire. While you're likely not going to be able to handle all that it will deliver, you should be able to most of it.
It looks though that you have a pretty striaght shot from the sump on the return, but your still not getting 600gph through the DT to sump, you should be able to process that much flow through the DT if you upsize the drain pipes etc. You could just use say 1 1/4 spa flex, (or the same stuff you currently are using in 1 1/4) and connect it as straight to the sump from the bulkhead as possible.
BTW, I use a mag 7 on my 65, with a HOB "u" tube OF box. My OF will just barely handle the pump wide open.


OK thanks everyone for your help . Im going down to lowes and gettin some pvc ,45's,ball val,and check val. Im looking into getting a longer sump so ill change everything out with the seg.. thanks