will this be ok????


will i be able to run a 25 gallon tank well with 2 regular power filters and a protien skimmer that fits up to a 100 gallon. im gonna put very little live rock


Active Member
Well, that depends very much. If you were putting a good amount of LR in I would probably say yes. If not, then I would say no, though perhaps depending on fish.
Your protein skimmer is not a biological filter. In such a setup your rock and sand are your biological filter. If you don't have a lot of rock, you may find yourself in quick trouble in some cases


Active Member
IMO & IME; if they are good power filters with good bacteria holding media, and you do a good job rotating the media cleaning; you can keep fish with no problem. Nitrates will probably be too high for inverts; but not fish. LR does a great job on nitrates; but we sure kept a lot of healthy fish before LR was commonly available. Again, IMO, and I know there is plenty of disagreement; but I don't think LR really does a better job than some other media in eliminating ammonia and nitrite. I have 2 very healthy (and heavily stocked) fish-only tanks that never show any ammonia or nitrite; and there is no LR.You can't get ammonia or nitrite readings better than that.I just happen to like the skeletal coral I grew into the hobby with. My other 2 tanks, with LR, also keep nitrates at near zero; so I can keep corals and other inverts. Regardless; be careful, you can't keep a lot of fish in a 25 gal.