Will This Combination Work?


I am going to set up a tank soon, and this is how I see it evolving. It will be a 39 gal tank, which I will cycle with LR. Once it is ready, I plan to add a pair of maroon clowns, and a buble anemone. Down the line I would like to add a Picasso Triggerfish. Will this work? Is that just about it for fish in this tank, or can something else live in it?


Active Member
teh picasso should have a minimum of a 75 gallon tank, aand as ofr the clowns,
a pair of them will be fine in a 37 gallon tank, and if you want anything else, iwould wait and see how it goes, you may bea ble to add one more smaller fish(3 to 5 incher) like a Saddle Valentini Puffer or a smaller wrasse(maybe a paddlefin, if you want color), but i would think that if that becomes possible, then that would be the last fish SINCE the 2 clowns will get up to 6 inches(total of 12) by themselves
but i would not even consider a trigger in that size tank, with or with out 2 maroon clowns