Will This Host A Clown?


Active Member
I would think that anything that the clown wants to host it will. I have a leather that I think my clown is starting to host, but I could be wrong.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ROYAL GANG
thanks anyways, anyone that's VERY sure :help:
There's no sure way of knowing.
Don't get an Elegant Coral. They are notorious for dying.


Active Member
Research them.... no one knows why but they are dying in captivity. Some theories suggest it's where they are being collected.


i heard somewhere on here that they used to be great a a few years back but got over harvested. now they collect them from deeper waters and thats why they die often. just what i heard


First of all what kind of clowns we talking, clowns usually host on something, be it an anemone just perfect for them, or even a frogspawn or leather coral or whatever is closest to their natural home that their insticts bring them too host on.
But there are lists easily found on what is best host to what kind of clown. So what kind of clown is the first question then find their most suitable natural host.