will this light work for me?


ok i have been looking for a light for my and i came across this one. i would like to have is support some annenomie and a feather dusters. i havnt really looked into many other corals yet but that is what i would like for now. i have a 55g tank and this is the light i have found:
48" 260W (65Wx4) Aquarium Power Compact Light
found it for a good deal i think for only $100.00
thanks for any help


It's debatable, but no pc lighting system can support an anemone. What are the other corals. Feather dusters are nonphotosynthetic.


ok well if it cant support the anenomie then i don't think it will work for me then. i was thinking maybe a leather toad stole, brain coral, and a hammer. but i really havnt decide totally. but the i reall want the anen. and the feathers cuz they look so nice .


my advice will be stay away from the pcs i did the same thing i bought the same light i paid like 90 i was going to used on my 55 gallons and i was only going to keep softies but the more i read and read about reef keeping i got more and more interested on corals that pcs couldnt support and i end it up selling the light and got another set of lights for 300 with 2 150s and 2 96 watt pcs you should look on craiglist i have seen some really good deals on there for t5s and mh or check the used equipment forum
good luck


Active Member
go with t5 or mh lights anything else is mostly a waste of money. You will upgrade later. If you dont have a canopy then go nova extreme pro. There are a little pricey but worth the money


Active Member
you can get a 4x65w pc for alot less I am trying to dump one for just a frag of zoos or lps on an local club site


i have been looking at the nova extream for a while. wouldnt that cause some over heating issues in my tank? of would i be fine. the light i found/looking at is like $400. i dont really want to rebuy lights later on. like i sadi its really just for the anenomie.
if anybody has one for sale PM me. if its the right price then i will get it. i know this isnt in the right area but i figured i would try.


Active Member
if you want an anemone then either the nova pro or a tec get a fixture that has individual reflectors


Active Member
Agree with robertmathern-spend what you have to upfront so you don't have to upgrade later and regret buying the wrong light at first. I got the Nova Extreme pro (6 x 54W) for my 55 and it is a great light! I have LPS, softies, SPS, an anenome, and they are thriving. Yeah, it throws off some heat but my chiller takes care of it during the summer.


so i should really go with something like this:
48" Current USA 6x54W Nova Extreme Pro T5 HO Fixture
cuz that is the one i have been looking at and i might just wait.
thanks for all the help


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1990jpyj
so i should really go with something like this:
48" Current USA 6x54W Nova Extreme Pro T5 HO Fixture
cuz that is the one i have been looking at and i might just wait.
thanks for all the help
yeah that fixture will allow you to do what you want...


48" Current USA 6x54W Nova Extreme Pro T5 HO Fixture
will this cause alot of overheating issues. i have all HOB items so i cant really run a chiller unless i go to a sump set-up. so if it does how would i fix this issue?


Originally Posted by 1990jpyj
48" Current USA 6x54W Nova Extreme Pro T5 HO Fixture
will this cause alot of overheating issues. i have all HOB items so i cant really run a chiller unless i go to a sump set-up. so if it does how would i fix this issue?
Put legs on it to raise it above the tank, then put some fans on either side of the tank to blow air below the light and on top of the water. That may not solve the problem completely but it will help


so would that mean i would have to take my top glass off to make that work? or could i hook up like 2 computer fans to get the air moving under there. like inbetween the glass and the fixture.


Active Member
i doubt you will have heat issues with that fixture. i have one over my 30 breeder and most of the heat comes out the side of the fixture. where the fans exhaust from.
i would also remove the glass tops. it helps with gas exchange and also heat issues. let the tank breathe.


there is a back section about 2.5" where the tank gets air. i just dont really want to take the whole top off cuz of my firefish. he has tryed to jump once, but he hit the glass. i dont really like the look of the egg crate looking thing on the top either so i will have to figure something out i guess if it becomes a big problem. thanks Mr. X


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1990jpyj
there is a back section about 2.5" where the tank gets air. i just dont really want to take the whole top off cuz of my firefish. he has tryed to jump once, but he hit the glass. i dont really like the look of the egg crate looking thing on the top either so i will have to figure something out i guess if it becomes a big problem. thanks Mr. X
eggcrate comes in black too.. not sure if you didnt like the white or just the design


its more of the design of the egg crate. i have this in a room where there are alot off ppl who like to place things ontop of the tank. dik why but it attracts alot of smaller objects. so i dont want to run the risk of something falling in the tank. for my dads 125g he has that on top and it happens to him all the time. thats the main reason. i might look into it a little more but i think the glass will have to stay on. for now atleast


48" Nova Extreme (not Pro) with 4x54W. a seller contated me about this one and was wondering if this would work for me. i would like to get an annenomie but the more i look into them the lights is to expensive and i would like to look into diff. corals. so if it cant saport the anen. what types of coral can it support.
thanks for the help/info