Will this protein skimmer work??


I want to purchase a seaclone 150 for my 85 reef. Anyone have experience with these or can anyone tell me if it is worth it??


Active Member
you will definitely find mixed opinios on the seaclone skimmers,
why is you are looking at them, cost? hang on? or tank size?
I personally don't care much for the seaclones, but think they are adequate for a smaller tank, b/c who wants to spend 400 on a skimmer for a 30 gallon tank, but i feel almost if not alll skimmers and equipment is over rated, adn showul be considered as such, never buy a skimmer that is rated for 90 gallons for a 90 gallon tank, go for a larger yet
if it is price, then, meaybe, but one thing to know is that in this hobby(esp with skimmers) you DO get what you pay for
now last question, if you are looking for space and hang on, i like the remora pro(withthe mag drive pump, NOT the rio), they are an outstanding skimmer but unfortunately the are a bit more pricy than the seaclones, BUT WELL WORTH THE DIFFERENCE, if you can swing it
HTH and good luck


thanks for the info, the reason i ask this question is that this skimmer is the only adequate one i can find around here. I am wary to purchase things off the net because i want to be able to see it in person and hear accounts of what it is like. It wouldnt matter if it were a hang on or sump skimmer(since i have a sump) I just wanna know what is the best price wise for an 85.


Active Member
i like the aqua c
and the berlins(except the berlin hang on)
eccosystems also make some nice ones, but are a bit pricier in comparison
IMO, go for the aqua c(in sump or hang on) and MO is fine, you can get more research on line and reviews before you buy, which is actually better than seeing one sit there in a box(with the manufacturers claims on the box), for the price and performance both, just be sure to get one that is more than adequate for your size tank


I've heard bad things about Seaclones, but they are the older models. Supposedly they have been redesigned.
I've heard bad things about power compact lights...same thing.
The best source of advice on some of these things is your LFS or someone here that has purchased the newer model. Some of them are just a matter of preference.
I will agree with fshhub on the Aqua C with the Maxijet upgrade (don't know about the Rio because I won't use Rios). They now have a professional model for larger tanks, but a guy in my area that maintains reefs told me that they have used the standard Aqua C on tanks up to 125. The only adjustment that they require is in the cup height and they are quiet and very efficient.

obx fish

We have a Seaclone skimmer on our 75 gal. It pulls out protein...we rinse our cup out about every other day sometimes two days in between. We have nothing to compare it to so we don't know if it's doing a good job or not. Our water parameters are always good so IMO it must be doing something. What I would like to hear is some of the bad things people have heard about them so we can know if our may not be doing such a good job??? We do have tons of air bubbles in our tank. Could this be the problem?