Active Member
hey guys, im upgrading my snowflake eel into a 40 gallon breeder tank and i would like to put some corals and anenomes in there. For filtration i have a tetra-tec300 which is good for tanks up to 60 gallons. I will also have to get a skimmer. For tankmates i woudl like to get a fu manchu lion fish and maybe in a year or two a mandarin dragonette if im able to pack around 75 pounds of live rock in there. For lighting i will be getting the 36 inch, jebo/odyssea lighting. Its 192 watts or PC and maybe even two of them sence i can fit it on my tank. So then ill have 384 watts of PC. WOuld this be overkill? Keep in mind my tank is only 16 inches high so i would proabalby be okay with only 192 watts seeing how everything will be on top of live rock too. Ill havae a lot of live rock and live sand. Would this be possible to make a reef tank with my equipment and fish selections?