will this work for a refugium

a 10 gallon with a hagen 402 pumping water in and a 402 pumping out.in the 10 will be caulerpera and miracle mud with some lr.or a cheap canister filter with out media and but in caulerpera and miracle mud.but im confused how to light to canister(if i need to)


are ypu saying you are trying to make a canister filter into a refugium? i dont think it will work. maybe i misunderstood. <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" />


Active Member
Two pumps will never ever be the same GPH no matter what.
You need a overflow and one pump to pump up the water to the main tank.
try a search, their has been alot
of drawings and info on this.
Is this right you want a refug in the canister???? <img src="graemlins//confused2.gif" border="0" alt="[confused2]" />


Active Member
decipher the question:
a 10 gallon with a hagen 402 pumping water in and a 402 pumping out.in the 10 will be caulerpera and miracle mud with some lr.or a cheap canister filter with out media and but in caulerpera and miracle mud.but im confused how to light to canister(if i need to)

You have a 10 gallon glass tank. You want to place a Hagen 402 powerhead in the main tank and pump water into this 10 gallon tank.
In this 10 gallon tank you plan to have another Hagen 402 pumping water out back into the main display tank.
THIS WILL NOT WORK as mentioned.
An overflow or gravity return will.
Continuing on:
You plan to have miricle mud, Caulerpa macro algae and some small pieces of live rock - for nutrient export.
OR you want to use a cheap canister filter without any media intalled in it, for pumping and returning the water from the refugium, and you want to place this canister down in the 10 gallon tank with the mud and rock ?????
And you want to know how to light the whole thing ????
I'm trying here joe .... work with us - please explain ;)
no make thge canister into a refugium(some weird thought that crossed my mind) but what do i use to get water in and out of the refugium


If at all possible use a rubbermaid tub and put it above the tank. Pump the water into the tub and have it drilled on the side say 3/4th the way up and have a line flowing back to the tank. You may need a little more planning than that but it is just an idea.... if you could put the tub above the tank.


I have an old wet/dry i drilled a hole about 3/4 up, I have a maxijet 400 pumping out of my sump going through a spraybar, down into my refugium and back into my sump., then carried into my tank by a little giant #4.
I hope i was some help..