will this work together???


I have a 125FOWLR with a super skimmer220 about 15x turnover 175lbs of LR and about 150lbs of ls a good clean up crew. and my fish list.
1-Engineer Goby
1-sixline wrasse
1-Scooter Blenny
1-Bangaii Cardinal
4-Green Chromis
1-Blue Hippo Tang
I want to get
Copperband Butterfly only if it will get along with Heniochus Butterfly, a.k.a. Bannerfish...It states to get 3 or more can I put 3 in what are the needs of these fish....
Also I would like to put about 4 more Green Chromis in for a more of a schooling effect..
I also want a Emperor Angelfish - Juvenile and one of these 3 fish Blonde Naso - Red Sea, Powder Blue Tang,or a Powder Brown Tang
That would be about 19 fish Now that I think about maybe to many???


Active Member
I think you will be ok with that bioload being that most of the fish will be small. I dont know much about the bannerfish so I cant help you there. I would just start with the smaller fish and work your way up. you will know better which of the larger fish will best compliment your tank after you can see your tank set up and running. JMO


IMO, I think that may be too many fish in the tank.... but if you decide to go for it, I definately wouldn't put the naso in there, even with a 125. Wouldn't recommend a Naso in a tank any smaller than a 180 or a 210.... despite what the web says, but that's just my opinion...
And Team, I'm not sure what 3 fish your exactly talking about getting along with the hippo, but if your talking about the tangs... I would say the hippo would probably pick at the PB and Pbrown... but could be hit or miss in a 125


New Member
I'm not expert by any means, just started out about 4 months ago. But I had an emporer angel (juvi) and tried to squeeze in a copperband butterfly about 3 weeks into having the angel...angel wasn't havin it. had to return the copperband about 4 weeks later after his isolated life was too miserable to watch anymore. angel is again ruling the tank...now looking for another fish to pick on. He's targeting my hippo tang, kole's tang, and red coris wrasse. not serious enough, just being an aggressive punk. love the angel, but he's a handful for a 1st timer.


i agree, copperband bf are very peaceful, and somewhat difficult to maintain. i wouldnt get the cbbf if u get the angel, they are aggressive. do u have ne full shots of your tank??