Will This Work?


I have a 180 gallon tank with 180lbs of Rock and Sand
Sump with sock filter and Coral Life 250 Skimmer
Tank has been running 7 months...
Stock List
Coral Beatuy Angel
Harliqueen Tusk Wrasse
Blue Face Angel
Tang 1 of the following (Blonde Naso, Blue Hippo, Powder Blue or Brown)
Trigger (Niger or Huma Huma)
Coral Beatuy Angel
Harliqeen Tusk Wrasse
Porky Puffer
Tang (one from the above group)
Trigger (one of the two above)
If they both would be ok... which would be more active and fun to watch?
I'd go with list 2 but replace the dwarf angel with one like an Emperor Angel or something.
Porc. Puffers are one of the best fish in my opinion. I learned immediatly why people call them dogs. Whenever I'd get close to my tank or even stick my hand in the tank to do something, all the fish would scatter except my puffer who'd always be there looking for food.

brad pitt

huma huma are very awsome active and beautiful fish to watch! nigers too but i like the colors of the huma huma beter very relaxing.


I already have the Coral Beauty and the Harliqueen Tusk... both are about 3 inches right now... other wise I probably would get something other than the Coral Beauty... it stays in the rocks a whole lot...
I do plan to upgrade my skimmer at some point...
I know someone mentioned the puffer and a large angel... would that work with my size tank with a wrasse, trigger and tang also???
Where are good places to purchase fish? I live in Indianapolis....


so I am still wondering if this load will be ok when the fish are grown and what are some recommendations on a skimmer when I upgrade mine?


the bio load is ok if you have a good filter. IMO skimmers are all pretty much the same. the only difference between the brands are how easy there to adjust out of the box. make sure you get one that will skim twice your tank volume or close to it.


ok, my local fish store has a junv queen angel... so would this work???
Harlequin Tusk
Coral Beatuy Angel
Porky Puffer
Huma Huma Triger
Queen Angel
all would be around 3 inches right now... but would like to keep all of them and have them not out grow the tank
Thanks again... still learning and dont want to make a stupid mistake


Active Member
IMO, you probably be OK as long as the CB has plenty of hiding places. BTW, I'd sure spend a few extra $ and get an Australian tusk; I think they are much more colorful and Australian-caught fish are among the hardiest available. Queen angels get huge (18" or so) and are very aggressive angels. The adults , like most large angels, are totally different looking than the juvi. Remember, you'll have this huge adult much longer than the juvi. This is just my taste; but I think there are other angels that would be better and prettier tankmates; like Emperors, Blue Face, Blue Girdled, etc. But, again, that's just my opinion---go with what YOU like. Sounds like a great tank!


I already have the Tusk and it is Aust... I have the CB already also and just got rid of the damsels and clowns... so I could get the Angel, Triger and either puffer or tang


Active Member
Originally Posted by Tpohl24
I already have the Tusk and it is Aust... I have the CB already also and just got rid of the damsels and clowns... so I could get the Angel, Triger and either puffer or tang
Sure, but I'd get the angel last; once they establish territory, they like to keep it. Keep a close eye on the CB, he could get picked on. (Isn't that tusk an absolutely great fish?)


Yes I love the Tusk got him at about an inch and a half he is about 3 now...
would I be better off getting rid of the CB?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Tpohl24 http:///forum/post/2571297
Yes I love the Tusk got him at about an inch and a half he is about 3 now...
would I be better off getting rid of the CB?
I've never seen a tusk that small, I'd love one. Most Aussie tusks are caught by divers using a small, baited, barbless hook--doesn't hurt them at all. I just don't know about the CB, I have a similar, active thread that touches on the same subject.