Will this work?


I am setting up a 10 gallon tank for a temporary "time out" for one of my triggers because it's getting really aggressive toward the other fish in my tank. I want to keep the trigger in there for 4 or 5 days to let him cool off and then my wife wanted to use the tank for a few clowns for other little fish while it's up and running. My question is: Can I add water from my esablished tank into the 10 gallon with new aroganite DSB and a new filter without re-cycling the water? When the water clears after a few days can I put the trigger in there? Is the water/bacteria from my established tank going to be enough to get the tank going?


i cant see where that would be a problem i would just add the water and let the water sit over night and let things settle down if it's posible

mr . salty

Active Member
It's not actually the water that needs to cycle.It's the new substrate and the filter media.That is where the bacteria lives that needs to be established.And why a tank cycles..
You would be better off if you could add some of the sand and rock from the other established tank as well as the water...
Once the fish is in his new home,you will still need to watch for an ammo spike.If it gets out of hand you can change the water to keep it in check...
If you have time you could also set up this new filter in your established tank for a week or so to get some bacteria growing in it also_Or at least put the filter pade in the old tank to grow bacteria on it...


If I were to put the filter pad from the new filter in my established tank for a week or so, where would I put it for the best results? In the overflow? Or the wet/dry?


Active Member
Placing the little tank's filter media in an area of high flow such as your wet/dry would be ideal in my estimation.
I would not place anything in the overflow - it should drain unrestricted.