will this work?


Hey guys-
I am looking to start a 55 gallon tank. I was wondering what types of fish i can put in there. I have heard that there is less of a need for rock.. if this is true i would really like to start my tank with small amts or no rock at all. It will really help with financing the tank..
thanks for whatever help you guys can offer.


Gosh.. you could go with a lot.. What types of fish are you interested in?


well, i am not sure. I want fish that are not going to get too big and will not kill off the rest of the fish... basically i want fish i will be able to keep for a long time.


Well-Known Member
try this for starting a tank:
use 3-4" of play sand $3/50# at home depot
add all the macro algae or marine plants you can.
then do the rest.
The macros may even be free from local hobbiest who are throwing them away each month. The algae/plants will filter out the water and consume the phosphates and nitrates from the fish you add later. Additionally, they will provide hiding places for the various fish you add.
Some circulation is advisable like a power head or hang on filter.
I also recommend using your tap water and not doing water changes. Oh yea that saves you even more LOL.
Maybe you can save so much you could start with a larger system.
Just a way of establishing a tank on a budget.

tony detroit

Active Member
Second that-
My experience has been that most "agressive" fish really are not what you would want to keep in a 55gal after a couple years old. Then I would add a couple comments
1. Tap water is good in certain areas possibly not your area. If you plan on eventually going over to reef you will definitely benefit from using RO water and very strong lighting.
2. Plants are good, and I do certainly believe in their benefits however I don't believe they are the answer to everything
3. Get a book and read it before you go shopping
4. Ask us at the board about what fish you are considering buying prior to purchasing them. There are a lot of people that read this board that have loads of experience. Go to the store and take note of what fish you like. Then ask us.
5. A few things that are great and I highly recommend for a agressive tank are a Wet dry filter, canister filter, UV sterilizer, protein skimmer. None of these are mandatory, but they will greatly help you and aid in your success. I would strongly recommend against trying to run a agressive system without them. Fluidized bed filters are said to be great also, but I have no personal experience with them.
6. Water changes can only help you unless done wrong.


Active Member
I agree with Tony... couldn't have said it any better. Only thing I can add is that IMO I dont think fluidized beds are worth the money.


You could do a dwarf fuzzy or fu man chu lionfish. Just dont add any fish in that will fit in their mouths. I would highly recommend a snowflake eel but you mentioned you dont want to add much rock.
i agree with armagedon, mostly just dwarfs, but with a 55 i would go reef because of not enouph room for big agressive fish, if u wanted to go aggressive then start at a 75 gallon, thats pretty much the minimum tank size for aggressive fish (75).


hey thanks guys. Not sure if anyone is able to answer this questoin, but what is the approximate cost difference between a 55 and 75 gal tank.. To set up and maintain?


Active Member
Normally a full 75 setup will cost around $300 - $400 more than a full 55 gallon setup. But costs will vary greatly because many 75 will come predrilled (I highly recommend) and very rarely have I ever seen a predrilled 55 gallon, there just isnt enough room. Although maintanence will be much easier on a predrilled 75 over a hang on filter ran 55.
For a good aggressive tank setup for a 75 gallon, you are probably looking around $850, give or take a bunch depending on exact setup.


Remeber that you will save a lot of money on live rock and corals. My one tank was a 55 and i found it cheaper to upgrade and go aggressive. but I have a 200 gallon filter and a 100 gallon skimmer so that is why I was able to upgrade. I think i only spent 500 total, 700 with live rock that will fill the tank. If you only have filters for that size tank then go with the reef. Wait till you get some money and get a 125 and do a simple aggressive with cool fish. just my opinion.


Thanks for all of the input guys. Yoiu have all been such great help. I will let you know what i decide to go with once i get my tank. Knowing me, the only time i will be at a definate decision will be after i have my tank filled with water!:cool: