will torch/frogspawn sting ricordia?


i moved my frogspawn up closer to the lights. it's really opening now and is just bairly brushing one og my orange ric's! i have a alternate spot for the ric but it's close to a torch.
if it's not a issue i'll leave it alone. the ric dosnt look like it's getting stung. i could also move it by the torch. it would be about 1.5 inches away from it. opinions?


I actually just had this happen the other day, a snail, pushed my frogspawn and it slipped down the rock a little, and was just luckily touching the ricordia a little bit, and I caught it, so the ricordia, and fs were pissed off for like a day and then all was well again. I got lucky.
They will sting anything near them. I've had things fall near my torch and it actually looked like it was reaching out to sting.


Active Member
yes they will sting. my frogspawn will at time sting my rics and shrooms, but no real harm done. the shrooms will actally move away. pic below:


Active Member
As with any torch, frog or hammer we need to remember placement issues and part of that is they cannot move their tentacles on their own. The tentacles are at the mercy of flow. So when positioning try to keep that in mind and place them so the tentacles "blow" away from any other coral.
Just throwing in my $0.02.


HMMM....both Bob's and Joe's frogspawns look like they are reaching out to touch someone

What kind of flow would enable that???? (just curious)


Active Member
joe's torch or frospawn looks like the elastic man. i dont think its just flow that enables it to extend its reach. for some reason, frog, torch or hammer likes to reach out and feel when it senses other corals around.

florida joe

Well-Known Member
They develop sweeper tentacles, which are very long so it does not take much flow to reach neighboring corals


Active Member
Don't underestimate corals and think they are at the mercy of flow. Like florida joe mentioned, they develop long, offensive/defensive sweeper tentacles (in addition to other measures). Corals can be exceedingly aggressive, and effective, at waging warfare.


Active Member
If you consider being hit with loads of microscopic harpoons a "kiss" then...that is quite an unusual social life :)