Will Triggers Attack Eels?


Active Member
Depends on the species of trigger. Some of the pelagic triggers are more peaceful and less likely to show aggression. Other species could do damage to an eel, although it would be more apt to happen if fighting over food. There are also eels that could put a hurt on a trigger if they decided to.


i cant say for sure cause im not a fish expert but my brother had a snowflake with a clown trigger, Huma Huma trigger and a Niger Trigger and it worked fine so that could work.:happy:


Well, I just wante to know if they would attack eels like they attack other fish. I just mean any combonation of the two species


the only thing my trigger does is tries to take the food out of my eels mouth but it is gone so fast that the trigger loses intrest and comes back to the top for more.