Willing To Buy in Chicago


I'm really looking for some good live rock but am interested in just about anything. I currenlty have a 20g, but desperatly want to upgrade. I looked around and everything is so expensive. Maybe someone out there could help.


I have a 110g tall acrylic tank and stand, bali live rock fully cured some corraline growing, misc frags pompom xenia, tricolor rics, sps, pocillara I am in st louis missouri but come up to chicago frequently could deliver for some gas $$ you can email finfurandfeather AT yahoo.com


HSanchez, what's your email? I know of a guy who's selling some good LR (it's covered in coraline). Maybe he still has some left, I can point you in his direction.


i have a 29 gal. tank with filter, top, backround, home made canopy, thermomiter, and more
asking $125.00 i wanted $175 great deal
i also have a 75 gal. powerhead
make me an offer if you buy the tank for $125 it yours
:happy: :yes:


since you are real easy to get to i will let the tank go at $100.00 with every thing.
29 gal. tank no leaks less than a year old -i paid $50
whisper 40 as old as the tank - i paid $37
29 gal. heater 2.5 years old - i paid $30
the top and normal floresent lights - i paid $28
home made canopy wich i will repaint
double tube air pump with hardware - i paid $18
75 gal. powerhead - i paid $37
blue backround
1/2 container of salt water flake
a net - i paid $3
20 gal. ungergravel filter still works for a 29 gal.
thermomiter- i paid $2


i have a scooter blenny and a clown gody and a choclate chip star that i might get rid of i will let u know
everything else i want