Wilted Colt


Active Member
We cut a frag off our colt coral several weeks ago. Both the parent coral and the frag were doing great... until yesterday. The pic is of the parent colt, but the frag is drooping the same way. All of our other corals and tank inhabitants seem fine.
The only thing we have added recently were 2 firefish.
Here are our levels:
Ammonia: 0.0
Nitrite: 0.0
PH: 8.4
Salinity: 1.025
Any ideas on what made the colt wilt?


perhaps the colt is going thru a purge cycle
i have a yellow devils hand leather that cycles quite often, and has grown very rapidly


I have found in my experience that a bit extra iodine helps colts and xenias when they are like that!


Active Member

Originally posted by jarvis
What is your Alk and Calcium at?

Unfortunatly, I'm not sure. It's on our list to get a test kit for both of those, but we don't have them at this time.
The tank does get dosed with calcium on a regular basis though. And we buy premixed water from our LFS, so the Alk should be at the right level.
And everything else in the tank is doing fine. Its just the two Colts that seem to be having trouble...