is it normal for my foxface to turn almost white and hide if i bump into the tank or make a sudden movement in fromt of the glass?
the other fish dont seem to be bothered
yes very normal. it will turn into a camoflage color everytime its sleepin or scared..foxface is one of the hardiest fish...and one of my favorites...he is the least fish i worry about in my tank....
How long have you had it? They seem to take a while to get used to a tank (a couple of weeks to a couple of months). As they get more comfortable with the routine they will be less and less skittish. At least that has been my experience with them.
With that being said, even though mine hardly ever hides anymore during the "normal routine" if there are bunch of people over or lots of extra activity he makes himself scarce.
i have him for at least 4 years now he is 5 or 6 inches .nice fish .he has always done this.i just upsized from a 90 to a 150 gallon a couple weeks ago .he swims all over but seems to change color alot.when it comes to feeding time he is the first one at the table though.
when i was removing the lr from the 90 he jumped to the top off the tank and almost stuck me.that would have sucked.i move stuff around the tank when cleaning and that was the first time he almost hit me.
he is in with
2 -clowns
1 -5 inch purple tang bought him with the foxface
1- 3 inch purple fish cannot spell what he is
1-banded shrimp
so you can see i have alot more room
i would like to add a couple more tangs any suggestions of what would get along i was thinking a naso and hippo
Mine wasn't hand shy, which can also be a pain, because as soon as your hand was in the tank he was right there nibbling on it. Makes maintenance a tad bit riskier.
mines is not scared of the hand either..everytime i try to put some seaweed on the veggie clip..the foxface is the first out and come within cm. of my hand..kinda nerve wrackin..
I just brought home a big FoxFace yesterday and he had his camo coloration on when either of my Tangs went near him. He didn't try to hide though and was after food as soon as I put anything in the tank.
Originally Posted by GatorWPB http:///forum/post/2801184
because they eat algae, mine took some time before it even ate my homemade food. but once he learned that pumps off mean food, he's out immediately.
You turn your pumps off when you're just feeding your fish? Makes sense to turn them off to target feed corals and such, don't know about the fish though.